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Results (82 - 84 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#713 fingolfin SF/doc_wagon fixed GUI: Dir selector bug on triple-click

If you accidentally triple-click a directory in the directory selector window, the first two clicks work as expected, but if the third click happens to be also on a directory, the dir selector immediately descends into that subdirectory again. Hard to explain -- ask me in IRC (my nick is Dark-Star) if it's unclear what I mean :-)

Expected behavior should be that the "double click timeout" or whatever is reset after a double-click, so that a triple-click is not seen as two double clicks. This might be a general problem in other parts of the GUI too, haven't checked it yet.


Ticket imported from: #698864. Ticket imported from: bugs/713.

#714 SF/ender SF/zorbid invalid GUI: Options dialog in launcher NYI

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if it's a bug or if it's simply not implemnted yet...

I'm using the latest CVS (2003-02-26)

When you select a game, then go to the options menu, change some settings, click Ok then go back to the options, they are reset to default.

Ticket imported from: #700131. Ticket imported from: bugs/714.

#719 fingolfin SF/lexlechz fixed FT: German ß (ß) is too high

If subtitles are containing the german ß-character displayed lines are too high. This causes visual side-effects if the text is displayed to handle user-choices. E.g. in the german version of "Full Throttle" ("Vollgas") multiple choices are presented (initial bar-sceene and/or 1st meeting with Maurene). Highlighting the (too high) line will erase parts of other choices - which are redrawn after they are highlighted.

Cosmetical problem, but should be fixed easily ;-)

Ticket imported from: #705221. Ticket imported from: bugs/719.

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