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Results (46 - 48 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#426 fingolfin SF/inguin fixed MI1VGA: the last few glitches

As I promised, I played through MI1 again and verified my previous bug lists. Bug report #581700 can be closed. Most of the bugs are fixed by now, there are only very few ones remaining:

1. The voodoo lady's cauldron looks wrong. 2. During a sword fight the scroll arrows, when highlighted, cover the first pixel column of the text lines. 3. At the top view of Monkey Island the island is outlined in a wrong color (I guess it's a palette bug). 4. At the ghost ship bedroom, Guybrush shines through the bed in the foreground.

That's all, I didn't notice any more bugs. If it wasn't for the lack of sound and music, MI1 would clearly deserve 95% at the compatibility list. Great job!

Ticket imported from: #599442. Ticket imported from: bugs/426.

#431 fingolfin SF/madshi fixed ALL: key translation

ScummVM doesn't translate keys correctly. When pressing e.g. a german umlaut key, I get whatever is on the english keyboard instead.

First I thought this would be a bug in SDL, so I wrote to SDL about it. I got a little demo source back from Sam Lantinga showing how to do things right. Here is the patch for ScummVM, could someone please check it in? Thank you!

In the initialization somewhere call:

/* Enable UNICODE translation for keyboard input */ SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);

Then in SDL.cpp in "OSystem_SDL::poll_event" please check whether "ev.key.keysym.unicode" is filled. If it is, please use that instead of "ev.key.keysym.sym". That was it. Here's a part of the sources I got from Sam:

if ( sym->unicode ) { /* Is it a control-character? */ if ( sym->unicode < ' ' ) { printf(" (^%c)", sym- >unicode+'@'); } else { #ifdef UNICODE printf(" (%c)", sym->unicode); #else /* This is a Latin-1 program, so only show 8-bits */ if ( !(sym->unicode & 0xFF00) ) printf(" (%c)", sym- >unicode); #endif } }

This code correctly gives me all german special characters.

Ticket imported from: #600258. Ticket imported from: bugs/431.

#462 Kirben SF/dfabulich fixed LOOMCD: Note letters vanish on save/load

Play in standard mode, then save your game. The note letters will disappear from the distaff (if you have it). They will reappear if you have a conversation. Load your game. The note letters will disappear again.

ScummVM 0.2.2 CVS Built on Sep 15 2002 22:58:14

(downloaded Win32 snapshot)

Ticket imported from: #609723. Ticket imported from: bugs/462.

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