Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of WikiStart

Aug 16, 2016, 8:28:57 PM (8 years ago)

Copied over description from the old tracker


  • WikiStart

    v2 v3  
    11Open tickets, grouped by component: {9}
    3 = Welcome to Trac 1.0.4 =
     3= Welcome to ScummVM Issue Tracker =
    5 Trac is a '''minimalistic''' approach to '''web-based''' management of
    6 '''software projects'''. Its goal is to simplify effective tracking and handling of software issues, enhancements and overall progress.
    8 All aspects of Trac have been designed with the single goal to
    9 '''help developers write great software''' while '''staying out of the way'''
    10 and imposing as little as possible on a team's established process and
    11 culture.
    13 As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can
    14 modify the contents of this page simply by using your
    15 web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom
    16 of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of
    17 available Wiki formatting commands.
    19 "[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] ''yourenvdir'' initenv" created
    20 a new Trac environment, containing a default set of wiki pages and some sample
    21 data. This newly created environment also contains
    22 [wiki:TracGuide documentation] to help you get started with your project.
    24 You can use [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] to configure
    25 [ Trac] to better fit your project, especially in
    26 regard to ''components'', ''versions'' and ''milestones''.
     5Before submitting a bug report, there are three things you need to do. First, please check the compatibility list to ensure the bug is not already known. Secondly, try out the latest Subversion/daily build. The bug may already have been fixed. And last, check you are including all the following information in your bug report:
    29 TracGuide is a good place to start.
     8  * ScummVM version (scummvm -v)
     9  * Bug details, including instructions on reproducing
     10  * Language of game (English, German, ...)
     11  * Version of game (Talkie, Floppy, ...)
     12  * Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, ...)
     13  * Attach a save game if possible
     14  * If this bug only occurred recently, please note the last version without the bug, and the first version including the bug. That way we can fix it quicker by looking at the changes made.  Next, select the game in the 'groups' dropdown, and the type of bug in the 'categories' dropdown... enter your text, and hit the button!   
     16Please only file bugs on games that are listed as 'Playable to the end' (that is, completable) in the README file included with your version of ScummVM.   
     18Finally, please report each issue separately; do not file multiple issues on the same ticket. (Otherwise, it gets difficult to track the status of each individual bug).   
     20''Thanks for using ScummVM!''
    31 Enjoy! [[BR]]
    32 ''The Trac Team''
    3423== Starting Points ==
    36  * TracGuide --  Built-in Documentation
    37  * [ The Trac project] -- Trac Open Source Project
    38  * [ Trac FAQ] -- Frequently Asked Questions
    39  * TracSupport --  Trac Support
    41 For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.
     25 * [ ScummVM FAQ]