Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#6102 closed defect (fixed)

GOB: Geisha - Unknown Language Variants

Reported by: SF/einstein95 Owned by: DrMcCoy
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Gob
Version: Keywords: detection
Cc: Game: Geisha


Same file directory as the English version, only translated.

The game in '\ScummVM\Games\geisha-fr\' seems to be unknown. Please, report the following data to the ScummVM team along with name of the game you tried to add and its version/language/etc.: {"disk1.stk", 0, "0c4c16090921664f50baefdfd24d7f5d", 211889},

The game in '\ScummVM\Games\geisha-es\' seems to be unknown. Please, report the following data to the ScummVM team along with name of the game you tried to add and its version/language/etc.: {"disk1.stk", 0, "49107ac897e7c00af6c4ecd78a74a710", 212169},

Ticket imported from: #3544449. Ticket imported from: bugs/6102.

Attachments (4)

geisha-es.md5 (241 bytes ) - added by SF/einstein95 13 years ago.
the spanish and italian version datafiles md5
geisha-fr.md5 (241 bytes ) - added by SF/einstein95 13 years ago.
the french datafiles md5
geisha-es,it.txt (175 bytes ) - added by SF/einstein95 13 years ago.
md5deep output of the spanish and italian version
geisha-fr.txt (177 bytes ) - added by SF/einstein95 13 years ago.
md5deep output of the french version

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

comment:1 by digitall, 13 years ago

Summary: NEW: Geisha TranslationsGOB: Geisha - Unknown Language Variants

comment:2 by digitall, 13 years ago

Owner: set to DrMcCoy

comment:3 by digitall, 13 years ago

einstein95: Thank you for this report. In order to progress this bug, please provide the following: 1. Please indicate if this is an official translated variant sold or if this is a fan translation?

2. Please attach a text file to this bug for each of the language variants, containing a file listing of the datafiles with associated file md5sums. This will allow us to uniquely identify the variants. The output of a tool such as would be optimal.

3. Please attach a text file to this bug for each of the language variants, containing a file listing of the datafiles with associated detection md5sums. This will allow us to modify the detection entries in a way which does not cause detection conflicts since many GOB games have identical naming i.e. disk1.stk Instructions are given here:

comment:4 by digitall, 13 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:5 by digitall, 13 years ago

Since the bug submitter is unresponsive and we can't add support for these variants without the requested information, I am setting this bug to pending.

Unless the submitter responds to provide this information within 14 days, it will be automatically closed.

by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Attachment: geisha-es.md5 added

the spanish and italian version datafiles md5

by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Attachment: geisha-fr.md5 added

the french datafiles md5

comment:6 by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Attached the md5 outputs, and they seem to be official translations. The one I marked as geisha-es is actually, when opened with dosbox, both Italian and Spanish, where it asks which language to start as.

comment:7 by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:8 by digitall, 13 years ago

einstein95: OK. Thank you for these checksums. Please can you provide the remaining detection checksums, then we can look at adding a detection entry: 3. Please attach a text file to this bug for each of the language variants, containing a file listing of the datafiles with associated detection md5sums. This will allow us to modify the detection entries in a way which does not cause detection conflicts since many GOB games have identical naming i.e. disk1.stk Instructions are given here:

comment:9 by digitall, 13 years ago

Note: These are not quite the same as full file MD5sums, so please check the instructions provided in that wiki link.

by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Attachment: geisha-es,it.txt added

md5deep output of the spanish and italian version

by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

Attachment: geisha-fr.txt added

md5deep output of the french version

comment:10 by SF/einstein95, 13 years ago

added the output of md5deep on each of the datafiles.

comment:11 by digitall, 13 years ago

einstein95: Thank you. The information provided should now be sufficient. One of the GOB engine developers will look at this in due course. Please be patient and standby...

comment:12 by DrMcCoy, 13 years ago

Thanks, added them in rev ef8e15255d2 (or rather, only the Spanish/Italian one, the French one was already reported by another user a few days before your report here). The changes should be visible in the next daily build.

comment:13 by DrMcCoy, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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