Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5722 closed defect (fixed)

LB: Unrecognised version of lilmonster

Reported by: SF/afholman Owned by: fuzzie
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Mohawk
Version: Keywords: detection
Cc: Game:


I have an unrecognised version of the Living Book "Little Monster at School"

The version of scummvm tested was: ScummVM 1.4.0git617-gbc2e770-dirty (May 29 2011 22:01:25) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 ALSA SEQ TiMidity RGB zLib

This was compiled by myself under Debian sid, amd64.

There are three outline files,, and, corresponding to English, German and French.

The game is a CD version.

The initial portion of is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------- [BookInfo] nPages="18" nLanguages="3" xRes="512" yRes="384" ;optional configuration info fNeedPalette=true fUse254ColorPalette="1" nColors=256 ;nKBRequired=2560

[Languages] Language1="English" Language2="German" Language3="French"


I was able to get the game up and played through the first page with no errors by adding the following stanza to scummvm/engines/mohawk/detection_tables.h:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { { "lilmonster", "", AD_ENTRY1("LMASB.LB", "18a4e82f2c5cc30f7a2f9bd95e8c1364"), Common::EN_ANY, Common::kPlatformWindows, ADGF_NO_FLAGS, Common::GUIO_NONE }, GType_LIVINGBOOKSV2, 0, "LMASB.EXE" },


I have not delved into the meaning of the entries in the struct; I made the changes above by inference and trial from other entries in the detection_tables.h file.

Ticket imported from: #3309297. Ticket imported from: bugs/5722.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by fuzzie, 14 years ago

Owner: set to fuzzie

comment:2 by fingolfin, 14 years ago

Summary: Mohawk: Living Books: Unrecognised version of lilmonsterLB: Unrecognised version of lilmonster

comment:3 by fuzzie, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by fuzzie, 14 years ago

Hopefully fixed in commit b766faa7, should be fixed in the next daily build.

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