Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#5660 closed defect (fixed)

HUGO: Sound incorrect in DOS versions

Reported by: SF/muyfa666 Owned by: Strangerke
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Hugo
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Hugo


The sound of the DOS versions of the Hugo trilogy sounds gawd awful. The timing is off and the sound is very pitchy and noisy. The Win version sounds fine.

Ticket imported from: #3291960. Ticket imported from: bugs/5660.

Attachments (3)

hhhscumm.mp3 (104.3 KB ) - added by SF/muyfa666 14 years ago.
Example clip
hhh_dosbox.mp3 (220.0 KB ) - added by digitall 13 years ago.
HHH running in DOSBox
hhh_scummvm.mp3 (234.3 KB ) - added by digitall 13 years ago.
HHH running in ScummVM 1.5.0git3119-gfbc2c6d

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by SF/muyfa666, 14 years ago

Attachment: hhhscumm.mp3 added

Example clip

comment:1 by lordhoto, 14 years ago

Owner: set to Strangerke
Summary: Sound DOS versionHUGO: Sound off in DOS versions

comment:2 by digitall, 14 years ago

Summary: HUGO: Sound off in DOS versionsHUGO: Sound incorrect in DOS versions

comment:3 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

Fuzzie committed an enhancement to the music code. It's still not identical to the result under dosbox, but I have the feeling it's much better. Could you please check the nightly build and give a feedback?

comment:4 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed

comment:5 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

One detail: the Win version uses a classic midi file, which definitely sounds better. The two versions shouldn't be compared.

comment:6 by SF/muyfa666, 13 years ago

Yes, the Win version sounds very nice. I just tested the DOS version with the daily build. Still sounds so awful it's borderline unplayable. Much too high notes or something.

comment:7 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

I wasn't clear, sorry. Fuzzie committed something less than an hour ago, so it'll be available in the next nightly build. Could you please recheck tomorrow? But again, don't expect something similar to the Windows music: it's pure PC speaker.

comment:8 by SF/muyfa666, 13 years ago

I used the daily build now that says september 10. It still sounds gawd awful, sorry to say.

by digitall, 13 years ago

Attachment: hhh_dosbox.mp3 added

HHH running in DOSBox

by digitall, 13 years ago

Attachment: hhh_scummvm.mp3 added

HHH running in ScummVM 1.5.0git3119-gfbc2c6d

comment:9 by digitall, 13 years ago

Attached current output running in ScummVM and in DOSBox with the original interpreter for comparison. As far as I can tell, there is no longer any significant difference in timing or pitch...

comment:10 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

tdhs, hkz and I compared the 2 mp3 uploaded by tdhs and we came to the same conclusion; there are minor differences that do not justify an opened bug. Closing it.

comment:11 by Strangerke, 13 years ago

Status: newclosed
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