Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5155 closed defect (fixed)

PEPPER: Glossary not implemented

Reported by: SF/escarlate Owned by: lskovlun
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Pepper's Adventures in Time


In the original, certain words inside the text boxes were highlighted in red, and the player could click on them to get a definition. This doesn't happen in ScummVM. To check this out, start in the third chapter, talk to Ben Franklin and move to the next room. Take the schematic over the press. The word "schematic" is highlighted in the original, bringing the definiton when clicked, while doing so in ScummVM just closes the text box.

Ticket imported from: #3040039. Ticket imported from: bugs/5155.

Change History (13)

comment:1 by SF/escarlate, 15 years ago

Game Version: DOS/English/version 1.000 ScummVM Version: 1.2.0svn51733 Operating System: Win32 (XP SP2)

comment:2 by m-kiewitz, 15 years ago

partly fixed in r52031, at least those words will be red now

comment:3 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

tech explanation: DrawControl() needs to return a list of the rectangles occupied by the text enclosed in |r| tags.

comment:4 by m-kiewitz, 14 years ago

implemented in r52651

comment:5 by m-kiewitz, 14 years ago

Owner: set to m-kiewitz
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

Not properly fixed until MESSAGE_PUSH and MESSAGE_POP are implemented. These are used to keep track of the old MessageState while the Glossary is displayed. If the glossary word was in a message with just one sequence, the current solution works. For those with several messages in sequence, it wouldn't.


comment:7 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed

comment:8 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from m-kiewitz to lskovlun

comment:9 by wjp, 14 years ago

Status: closednew

comment:10 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

Test case for MESSAGE_PUSH/POP: Truth icon on crates, then call up the glossary on hemp. Also try it without calling up the glossary.

comment:11 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

That was in the beginning of act II

comment:12 by lskovlun, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed

comment:13 by wjp, 14 years ago

Status: newclosed
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