Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#5106 closed defect (fixed)

QFG2: crash when exiting streets in Shapier

Reported by: SF/toest Owned by: m-kiewitz
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: script
Cc: Game: Quest for Glory 2


Game: Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Game Version: DOS/English ScummVM Version: 1.2.0svn51577 Operating System: Vista (32 bit)

Sometimes when exiting the city streets to the left or right the game crashes with one of those messages:

ERROR: Uninitialized read for temp 0 from method alley42::at (script 701, room 704, localCall ffffffff)! ERROR: Uninitialized read for temp 0 from method alley23::at (script 701, room 704, localCall ffffffff)!

Ticket imported from: #3038367. Ticket imported from: bugs/5106.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by m-kiewitz, 15 years ago

Component: Engine: SCI
Game: Quest for Glory 2
Keywords: script added
Owner: set to m-kiewitz
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:2 by m-kiewitz, 15 years ago

fixed in r51628

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