#4323 closed defect (fixed)
PS2: COMI: game freezes
Reported by: | SF/risedchristof | Owned by: | sunmax |
Priority: | high | Component: | Engine: SCUMM |
Version: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | Game: | Monkey Island 3 |
Config: ScummVM 0.13.1 PS2; Game in English
On PS2 during gameplay, each time the game is saved the game freezes. It's necessary to reset the console, but when I go to the memory card, no data was saved.
Same thing happens playing the game via DVD, or via USB drive.
Ticket imported from: #2785537. Ticket imported from: bugs/4323.
Change History (9)
comment:1 by , 16 years ago
Summary: | PS2 Monkey Island freeze → PS2 Monkey Island 3 freeze |
comment:2 by , 16 years ago
Owner: | set to |
comment:3 by , 16 years ago
comment:4 by , 16 years ago
At beginning it started to block at GMM, but later on I deleted all data from the memory card regarding the SCUMMVM and started again. That way I was able to start the game, but noticed that the game freezed after 5 minutes. Later on I deleted again everything from the memory card, and started again the game but without the autosave mode. That way I was able to play the game as long as I wanted, but as I pressed start to save game it blocked again.
Best regards
comment:5 by , 16 years ago
Summary: | PS2 Monkey Island 3 freeze → PS2: COMI: game freezes |
comment:6 by , 16 years ago
This bug is nice to get fixed before the release. Raising priority for keeping the track.
comment:7 by , 16 years ago
Priority: | normal → high |
comment:9 by , 16 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Dear Christof,
we are aware of the bug - if you check the README that comes with the release, it's actually number #1 on our bugs list. It all boils down to a stack corruption when starting COMI (aka Monkey Island 3) and maybe RTZ. We are investigating the cause, but due to limited debugging tools on the PS2 this kind of issue can take a while. It's interesting that you can make it to save the game: is that the game save manu or the GMM? Cause for me and few other users it just locks when popping GMM.
Regards, -max