Opened 23 years ago

Closed 23 years ago

#352 closed defect (invalid)

SAM: Can't get past fishmagnet screen

Reported by: SF/maxattack99 Owned by: SF/ender
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords: script
Cc: Game: Sam and Max


Im running latest version of scummvm , it all runs fine until i get to the part in the carnival where i get the fishmagnet , i look at it and the map pops up to see the fish place, but it get stuck on that screen, i can pause the game and save etc but cant do anything else, i look at scumm and it says, scene map, some features not fully implementated or something like that... I would love to be able to play sam all the way through :(, im running linux redhay 7.1 ,

Ticket imported from: #582156. Ticket imported from: bugs/352.

Attachments (1)

prob.txt (417 bytes ) - added by SF/maxattack99 23 years ago.
Indepth description

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Change History (9)

by SF/maxattack99, 23 years ago

Attachment: prob.txt added

Indepth description

comment:1 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

Please read the instructions on how to submit a bug next time :-)

For now, please tell us what version of ScummVM you are using. Also, what version of Sam&Max is this? English or another language? Talkie or non-talkie? Did you convert the monster.sou file into monster.so3 ? Etc.

comment:2 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

Summary: SAM:Cant get past fishmagnet screenSAM: Can't get past fishmagnet screen

comment:3 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

Owner: set to SF/ender

comment:4 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

I'm going to take a wild guess here. Your running the game from within a read-only partition/disk, arn't you? this will not work, as Sam and Max creates a temporary save-game before the "intermission" screen.

comment:5 by SF/maxattack99, 23 years ago

Samnmax version 4.6.2 its english from a cd , when i run with scumm its text and voice. Also no iam not running from read only source. I copyed all the samnmax files from cd to hd. then copyed scummvm to same folder then run it that way. Btw saved games dont stay when i click f5, and do save , i click f5 to load it and its gone, Im running latest verision of scummvm, and no i havnt converted the monster file...

comment:6 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

The fact saved games do not 'save' is indicitive that you do NOT have write access in that directory, as I said below.

If you need help troubleshooting your linux install and/or directory permissions, it might be easiest for you to jump on #scummvm on, and I'll help you directly.

comment:7 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:8 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

As suspected, user didn't have write access to the cwd.

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