Opened 20 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#2126 closed defect

ITE: Mac CD Talkie version Bin files not recognised

Reported by: SF/subspark Owned by: sev-
Priority: low Component: Engine: SAGA
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Inherit the Earth


I have used HFV Explorer as requested, after having significant difficulty in finding an actual download for it, and managed to read my game cd on my xp system.

One thing i noticed, as i looked through some of the CVS changelogs, is you have removed the RAW support for the game data files and are just sticking with the Mac Binary support.

Fair enough, but when I chose to drag and drop the 5 critical resource files, not including the 6th resource named "About", it gave me a list of options. Raw, root forked, a few others and most importantly Mac Binary 2.

I successfully copied the data using Mac Binary 2 and into *.Bin files.

I put them in a directory named Graphic Adventures/Misc/ITE and tried to add it as a scummvm game but it didn't recognise anything at all.

It said to use Mac Binary on and to use the HFV Explorer tool that the site gave reference too but the only binary copy method was Mac Binary 2.

There was no Mac Binary 1 or Mac Binary.

What version of HFV Explorer was refering to? Was it 1.3.1 or a much earlier version.

Apart from a BUG, the only logical reason I can see for why scummvm didnt recognise the Bin files is that they were in a newer Binary format that scummvm may not support yet.

Inherit the Earth is probably one of my most Beloved games and the fact I can still play it on my latest systems means a great deal to me and millions of others. I hope theres a solution soon.


Ticket imported from: #1256863. Ticket imported from: bugs/2126.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by SF/subspark, 20 years ago

Priority: normalblocker
Summary: Mac CD Talkie version Bin files not recognisedITE: Mac CD Talkie version Bin files not recognised

comment:2 by sev-, 20 years ago

Please, add it manually (edit scummvm.ini file) and provide md5s if it will print them out in console window.

comment:3 by sev-, 20 years ago

Owner: set to sev-
Priority: blockerlow

comment:4 by sev-, 20 years ago

which version are you talking about Wyrmkeep Mac OS X rerelease or old Dreamers' Guild German Macc OS 9 release?

For newer version you need to copy just data fork and not in Mac binary format.

comment:5 by sev-, 20 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:6 by SF/sf-robot, 19 years ago

Status: pendingclosed

comment:7 by SF/sf-robot, 19 years ago

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