Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#2114 closed defect (fixed)

ITE: Several errors in the "rocky chasm" scene

Reported by: SF/trinity78 Owned by: sev-
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SAGA
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Inherit the Earth


Platform: Windows 2000 SP4 ScummVM: CVS from 4th august 2005 Version: Inherits of the Earth - CD with Voices - GERMAN

There are several errors in the "rocky chasm" scene, where rif uses the rope to cross it (see screenshot).

1) Incorrect verbs. As seen in the screenshot, english verbs are displayed instead of the german ones. "Give Eisenlöffel to Okk" should be "Gib Eisenlöffel zu Okk"

2) Can't exit the screen. After you crossed the chasm using the rope, you can exit the screen to the upper part. The only way out is the same path you came from using the rope to get back to the lower part of the screen and exit there.

3) Save/Load while using the rope, makes rope disappear After Eeah jumped over and you used the rope (but have not crossed the chasm yet), save your game.Then load and the rope has disappeared from the screen and also can not be found in the inventoy.

4) Several graphic glitches. As displayed in the screenshot, using the rope leaves several duplicates of the charaters on the screen.

Ticket imported from: #1253079. Ticket imported from: bugs/2114.

Attachments (2)

ite-error.jpg (43.7 KB ) - added by SF/trinity78 19 years ago.
itea.s03 (5.3 KB ) - added by SF/trinity78 19 years ago.
Savegame - German version - before the erros

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by SF/trinity78, 19 years ago

Attachment: ite-error.jpg added

comment:1 by SF/trinity78, 19 years ago

Summary: ITE: Several errors in the cliff sceneITE: Several errors in the "rocky chasm" scene

by SF/trinity78, 19 years ago

Attachment: itea.s03 added

Savegame - German version - before the erros

comment:2 by SF/trinity78, 19 years ago

Ahh typo!

Should be:

2) Can't exit the screen. After you crossed the chasm using the rope, you can't <- exit through the upper part of the screen.

comment:3 by sev-, 19 years ago

Ugh, it would be much more convenient if you would report each bug separately in the future. Now I will split them by myself and will use only first item in this bugreport. In the meantime thanks for the reporting.

1) Fixed in CVS

2) You can, but it's tricky. Click on legs of Eah

3) Rope is just invisible after load but is still useable

comment:4 by sev-, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:5 by Kirben, 16 years ago

Owner: set to sev-
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