Opened 4 months ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#15162 new defect

Using the word "that" when talking to a character causes a segfault — at Initial Version

Reported by: benblank Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Titanic
Version: Keywords: crash, wc_pronoun, word, parser, this, those, that
Cc: benblank Game: Starship Titanic


I'm playing Starship Titanic using the game data from GOG[1] and ScummVM 2.8.0 from Ubuntu 24.04[2].

When talking to a character (any character, I think, as long as you've gotten past the opening credits), using the complete word "that" in conversation causes a segmentation fault, closing ScummVM.

Certain specific variations also cause a segfault (for example, "that's" and "thats"), but not other words containing those characters (for example, "sthat" and "t'haiti" are both fine). Using the word in a sentence triggers the segfault, as well (e.g. "what does that mean").

I first encountered the issue partway through a playthough, but it also happens if you say "that" to the nearby DeskBot immediately after the opening credits (I've attached a game save made standing in front of her, having done just that). Saying "that" outside of of a conversation is fine, even if standing in front of a character you can normally converse with; in that situation, you have to initiate a conversation by clicking on them first. Saying "that" to the DoorBot during the opening sequence (before the opening credits) is also fine.

To reproduce, you should be able to simply launch the game, load the save, click on the DeskBot, type the word "what", and press Enter.

I've attached:

SHA-256 hashes of the game files from GOG which I'm using.

sha256sum --binary game/** > game.sha256sum

A log of the game's output with as much logging as I could find enabled. Sadly, I didn't see anything which looked like a smoking gun.

scummvm --debuglevel=32767 --debugflags=eventrec,detection,core,scripts,graphics,starfield --config=scummvm.ini titanic-win > lotta-debug.log 2>&1

The configuration file I used. (This is the same configuration file included with the GOG installer, but with the game and saves paths changed.)
From the game saves directory; I suspect this isn't relevant information, but have included it in case I'm wrong about that.
A game save created by starting the game, proceeding through the "on rails" pre-credits sequence, watching the opening credits, then walking over and standing in front of the DeskBot. All of the behaviors I described above were tested using this save.
A core dump created by loading the above save game, clicking on the DeskBot, typing the word "that", and pressing Enter.

1 The Linux installer from GOG doesn't produce a runnable game, but the data files seem fine; I've attached an sha256sum file for them.

2 From the official Ubuntu repository. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the daily build "debian-x86-64-master-5ed3dd8d" working, as several of the required shared libraries are of versions which aren't readily available in Ubuntu 24.04. I tried cobbling together a set of libraries of the correct versions, but wasn't ultimately successful in getting ScummVM to run.

Change History (5)

by benblank, 4 months ago

Attachment: game.sha256sum added

by benblank, 4 months ago

Attachment: scummvm.ini added

by benblank, 4 months ago

Attachment: timestamps added

by benblank, 4 months ago

Attachment: titanic-win.000 added

by benblank, 4 months ago

Attachment: lotta-debug.log.gz added
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