Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14633, comment 2

Oct 8, 2023, 11:35:54 AM (7 months ago)


  • Ticket #14633, comment 2

    initial v1  
    1 Quick update, using ScummVM 2.8.0git8302-ga67dd406dd4 (Oct  8 2023 04:51:30).
     1Quick update, using ScummVM 2.8.0git8302-ga67dd406dd4 (Oct  8 2023 04:51:30) on Windows 10.
    3 Strangeland: no change. Still crashes on boot
    4 Old Skies: seems to work (played till the diner). Occasionally affected by bug #14634
    5 Rock n Roll: no change. Always crashes during initial dialogue
    6 The cat lady: Now goes in-game, but had an early crash in the fields/forest
    7 Hob Barrow: First test (watched intro, etc) crashed when entering the inn. Tried again skipping a bit and managed to get further, should be tested more extensively. Affected by bug  #14634
    8 Murder cases: no change. Crashes during intro after the line "darling, are you hurt?" or something
    9 Nightmare frames: no change. Crashes when starting a new game
    10 Unavowed: seems to work, but I only tested the intro/character "creation"
    11 5 days a stranger: no change. still crashes on start/main menu
    12 king's quest III: no change. crashes on first interaction
     3* Strangeland: no change. Still crashes on boot
     4* Old Skies: seems to work (played till the diner). Occasionally affected by bug #14634
     5* Rock n Roll: no change. Always crashes during initial dialogue
     6* The cat lady: Now goes in-game, but had an early crash in the fields/forest
     7* Hob Barrow: First test (watched intro, etc) crashed when entering the inn. Tried again skipping a bit and managed to get further, should be tested more extensively. Affected by bug  #14634
     8* Murder cases: no change. Crashes during intro after the line "darling, are you hurt?" or something
     9* Nightmare frames: no change. Crashes when starting a new game
     10* Unavowed: seems to work, but I only tested the intro/character "creation"
     11* 5 days a stranger: no change. still crashes on start/main menu
     12* king's quest III: no change. crashes on first interaction