Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #13899, comment 7

Feb 17, 2023, 8:21:56 AM (18 months ago)


  • Ticket #13899, comment 7

    initial v1  
    11Latest update on Opera Fatal performance.  The intro credit screens and intro. cut scene animation now plays again.  The following previously-mentioned minor issues still exist with the game intro. :
    3 - The audio (music) starts with the initial "Heureka..." splash screen, then momentarily stops, then re-starts again with "Ruske..." splash screen (not sure if this stop/restart is correct...) The audio (music/voice) then continues normal throughout the remainder.
     3- The audio (music) starts with the initial "Heureka..." splash screen, then momentarily stops, then re-starts again with "Ruske..." splash screen (Video walkthrough has music only during "Ruske..." splash)
    55- Toward the beginning of the cutscene, during the close-up of the newspaper, the bottom-right quadrant of the screen is black, whereas the other 3 quads. display the newspaper properly.
    99Addit. progress has been made on the game since last test though ... I can now enter the Opera House and the game plays normal (in the lobby, at least...).  One new issue I note inside the concert hall is that the mouse cursor works correctly in moving the player left/right/forward/back ... but the cursor icon remains a left-pointing arrow even when moving right/forward/back.
     11A 2nd new issue is that the black inventory bar is present at the very bottom of the game screen but, when I pick up inventory items, they do not display in the inventory bar as they should.  Also, the in-game control switch that is supposed to be on the far right side of the inventory bar is not displayed/available....
    1113Congrats again on your continuing Director engine development progress.  It remains appreciated...