Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#13250 new defect

TOON: Toonstruck hangs when entering air vent through staircase and bathroom

Reported by: mutetus Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Toon
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Toonstruck


After getting rid of the crocodiles guarding the bathroom door, entering the bathroom from the staircase room and then trying to enter air vent often freezes the game to a state with only music playing and options menu accessible. Seems to work normally every time when loading saved game with Drew in the bathroom, when entering the bathroom from air vent, or clicking right mouse button on the air vent, but when entering bathroom from stairway, reproduction rate is 4/5.
See video:


  1. Get rid of the bathroom guards
  2. Walk to staircase
  3. Walk to bathroom
  4. Click on air vent and wait until Drew walks there and is supposed to start changing to the fly costume

Toonstruck English
Scummvm 2.5.1, Windows 10

Attachments (1)

toon-1.014 (26.7 KB ) - added by mutetus 2 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by mutetus, 2 years ago

Attachment: toon-1.014 added

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 2 years ago

I was able to reproduce it, if I clicked on the air vent while Drew was still walking into the room from outside. Then it happened on the first try. If I waited for him to stop walking first, I wasn't able to reproduce it at all.

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 2 years ago

I could be wrong, but I think what happens is that Character::walkTo() gets called again, while the first call is still inside the while loop moving it to its desired destination. The loop from the inner call terminates because you reach the desired destination, but the loop from the outer call probably doesn't.

If so, the outer loop needs to be terminated. But I haven't yet found out where it gets stuck, so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree here...

Edit: I was wrong, it did cancel the outer loop. There were two spots in the code where it could do this, and I was looking at the wrong one.

Last edited 2 years ago by eriktorbjorn (previous) (diff)
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