Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #13197, comment 1

Jan 5, 2022, 10:16:30 AM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #13197, comment 1

    initial v1  
    1 The control on LBA is a bit of known issue. I was testing myself one week ago or so. On-screen keyboard worked so I left it at that, but it could benefit from remapping or a custom overlay key arrangement (if we implement this at some point).
     1The control on LBA is a bit of known issue. I was testing myself one week ago or so. On-screen keyboard worked so I left it at that, but it could benefit from remapping or a custom overlay key arrangement (if we implement this at some point). Also the new controls (in 2.6.0git) that are more aimed at 3d engines, do work for controlling movement, but LBA needs more keyboard keys to control movement and interact, so again a keyboard (overlay or physical) is required.
    33I have a few questions:
    88Save system not working might have to do with where the app was trying to save the games. If it was external physical storage (SD card) that could be a problem on Android 10 (it shouldn't because we use a compatibility flag that covered up to Android 10, but your setup is weird :) ).
    9 I am unsure about the game running slower thing. Again please check on a PC, if available.
     10I am unsure about the game running slower thing. Was this a debug build? Again please check on a PC, if available, and also with a release build.
    1112I am not an expert in sound so I cannot touch the issue about midi playing via Sound Blaster 16. Maybe someone else knows more on this.