Opened 3 years ago
Closed 19 months ago
#13197 closed defect (fixed)
TWINE: android feedback that must get sorted
Reported by: | mgerhardy | Owned by: | mgerhardy |
Priority: | normal | Component: | Engine: TwinE |
Version: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | Game: | Little Big Adventure |
Description (last modified by )
From a discord user:
The game definitely wants a keyboard, Android ScummVM has it's own. It's definitely playable, but quite impractical. Also
While there was an option for remapping, my controller was completely ignored, but that's probably a problem with ScummVM itself
With a keyboard plugged in, it ran the same as on PC, as in, everything running out of the box. Literally plug-and-play
I ran into a few minor bugs, probably issues with the engine, but I'm no programmer. Namely:
- midi music looping until I edit the zone it's played in
- when drowning, Twinsen can still be seen through the water
- events on the other side of the map can be heard
as for bigger bugs, the game seemed to be running way slower than what it should
the save system does not work. When loading a save, everything appears normally... Except for Twinsen
would there be a way to have the midi with Sound Blaster 16 settings? Sounds way better
I couldn't enable CD music.
I tested in on a Nintendo Switch running Android 10, maybe not the most typical environment
ScummVM Version used: unknown
Game Version used: unknown
Change History (4)
comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
comment:3 by , 19 months ago fixed the sounds-from-the-other-side-of-the-map-error
comment:4 by , 19 months ago
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
The control on LBA is a bit of known issue. I was testing myself one week ago or so. On-screen keyboard worked so I left it at that, but it could benefit from remapping or a custom overlay key arrangement (if we implement this at some point). Also the new controls (in 2.6.0git) that are more aimed at 3d engines, do work for controlling movement, but LBA needs more keyboard keys to control movement and interact, so again a keyboard (overlay or physical) is required.
I have a few questions:
Save system not working might have to do with where the app was trying to save the games. If it was external physical storage (SD card) that could be a problem on Android 10 (it shouldn't because we use a compatibility flag that covered up to Android 10, but your setup is weird :) ).
I am unsure about the game running slower thing. Was this a debug build? Again please check on a PC, if available, and also with a release build.
I am not an expert in sound so I cannot touch the issue about midi playing via Sound Blaster 16. Maybe someone else knows more on this.
But in general when I tested, LBA did have some minor issues with playing music.
The Steam version of the game includes the CD music as extracted files (in two formats too, mp3 and ogg) and you can point the game to one of these folders to play music.
The GOG version however, has the CD included as an image file and CD music is played in DosBox by mounting the CD image in mixed mode. For ScummVM one would have to extract the music from the CD image and point the Extras Path for the game to the folder where the audio files were extracted. But keep in mind the indexing of the CD audio tracks is bad so their starting points are messed up. Steam's files do not have this issue. For GOG there's a forum post that shows a "corrected" index file for the audio, but again, this may result in a "pop" sound at the start of the tracks.
Still though, I think I recall that ScummVM prefers to play the midi track instead of the CD track in some occasions (eg. in the first scene of the game at the jail). I don't think I figured out why it's doing that.