Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#12251 new defect

SCUMM/HE: Missing visual effects on Spy Fox in Cheese Chase

Reported by: KhanMavi Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords: missing graphics effects SpyFox Cheese Chase
Cc: Game: Spy Fox 1


'ello everyone! Long time ScummVM user here. I'd like to thank you everyone for creating such great... well, I wanted to say emulator but it's not, right? Anyway, I actually have a question;
thing is, I search on the internet but I don't think anyone noticed; in Spyfox: Cheese Chase there are few missing visual effects. For example, when you pick up cheese there supposed to be "YUM!" effect or when an enemy vehicle crush there should be "BANG" etc.

So... I was wondering can it be fixed? Oh, and I'm using latest stable version.
I can link a video if it will help.

Thanks and sorry if I wrote something wrong. I'm kind of new to GitHub and such.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by signer-ink-beast, 3 years ago

I will list all the animations I know of that are missing in Cheese Chase as of version 2.5.

  • Exhaust from all of Spy Fox's vehicles (exhaust on the ground and in the air, water droplets in water, and snow kicked up in snow or ice)
  • Enemy crashes aren't animated when they crash into the sides of the level, or from too much bumping from Spy Fox.
  • "Yum!" animation from good cheese when Spy Fox picks it up.
  • "PU!" animation from bad cheese when Spy Fox picks it up.
  • All animations when toilet plungers hit any enemy in any scenario.
  • All animations when pies hit any enemy in any scenario.
  • Almost all animations when bananas hit any enemies, except in the water. They play properly in the water.
  • Cake bombs in the snow don't animate the explosion when Spy Fox drives over them.

I think a either a plunger or pie animation against the enemy in the crane in the air plays properly, but I am basing it off of memory and need to double check by replaying the game both in ScummVM and Wine. Lost my saves in both recently, probably by deleting them and forgetting about it. I also think a pie animation plays in the snow.

I do my comparisons with memory and also playing the Windows version of the game in Wine 5.0 since the game works in full with complete animations there, and compare that with ScummVM. I use ScummVM 2.5 and Wine 5.0 on Linux Mint 20.2 (based on Ubuntu 20.04). I also test ScummVM 2.2 on the 3DS. I notice no differences in animations in either version.

comment:2 by KhanMavi, 3 years ago

You can also compare with re-relased version, the one with Infogrames logo at the start, which, surprisingly, works perfectly fine on modern Widndows. I also remember playing on Playstation 3 port of ScummVM and yeah that version also have missing animations.

Version 0, edited 3 years ago by KhanMavi (next)

comment:3 by signer-ink-beast, 2 years ago

I have played enough of the game since my last comment that I have corrections to make regarding some of the animations. It seems the location doesn't really matter all that much. I will write a full, more updated list once again here. My list in comment 1 can be ignored.

What doesn't play:

  • Exhaust from all of Spy Fox's vehicles
  • Enemy crashes
  • "Yum!" animation when Spy Fox picks up good cheese
  • "PU!" animation when Spy Fox picks up bad cheese
  • Animations when toilet plungers or pies hit any enemy
  • Animation for the pig in the four-wheeler when they are hit by bananas
  • Cake explosions when anyone drives over them

comment:4 by aquadran, 2 years ago

Summary: Missing visual effects on Spy Fox in Cheese ChaseSCUMM/HE: Missing visual effects on Spy Fox in Cheese Chase
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