Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#11425 closed defect

SCI: QfG3 - Unfinishable state, if you bring a horn to the Laibon without entering first — at Version 5

Reported by: lwcorp Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: original
Cc: Game: Quest for Glory 3

Description (last modified by lwcorp)

After dispelling the Simbani prisoner, a Fighter/Paladin must visit the Laibon and get asked to defeat a dinosaur and bring back its horn as proof.

If you do this, as in the attached saved game, you can't tell the Laibon about it, and once you exit his hut you can never return, thus you can't finish the game*.

In fact, the whole conversation at this point is full of bugs:
1) Clicking mouth on yourself does nothing, so you can't leave by saying good bye.
2) You can only ask 2 things.

Interim solution to this situation (shorter):
1) Enter your guest hut.
2) Store either (or both) the Fine Spear or at least 1 Zebra skin in the chest (meanwhile, the Fine Robe is not allowed to be stored).
3) Visit the Laibon and suddenly you'll be able to tell about or give the horn and continue the plot!
4) Don't forget to later take back what you stored.

Alternative interim solution to this situation (longer):
1) Enter your guest hut.
2) Store the horn in the chest.
3) Visit the Laibon. You can talk if you want, but the important thing is to leave (by walking out because of the "mouth on yourself" bug above).
4) Go back to the guest hut.
5) Take back the horn.
6) Revisit the Laibon and suddenly you'll be able to tell about Dinosaur or give the horn and continue the plot!

Suggested solution:
1) Once asked to bring a horn, don't allow to enter the Laibon's hut without it
2) Once you have the horn, skip right into the second conversation

Tried in ScummVM v2.2.0git4477-g0a0e650b61 (Apr 14 2020 06:13:00)

  • The food at the inn is charged on Kreesha if you don't have money. Even if it wasn't, as long as you defeat random monsters you'll always get money to buy food. So it's not like the game itself is over, but the plot will be stuck forever without anything new to do.

Change History (6)

by lwcorp, 4 years ago

Attachment: qfg3.001 added

Save game before entering the Laibon's hut with a horn for the first time

comment:1 by lwcorp, 4 years ago

Summary: QF3: can't finish game if you bring a horn to the Laibon without entering firstQFG3: can't finish game if you bring a horn to the Laibon without entering first

comment:2 by lwcorp, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by raziel-, 4 years ago

Summary: QFG3: can't finish game if you bring a horn to the Laibon without entering firstSCI: QfG3 - Unfinishable state, if you bring a horn to the Laibon without entering first

comment:4 by lwcorp, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 by lwcorp, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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