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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5823 fixed valgrind errors when doing multiple RTL lordhoto hkzlab

When going in and out of a game multiple times using the Return to Launcher feature i get loads of valgrind errors (and a crash sometimes). Tested on Ubuntu, 64bit, version 1.4.0git1408-g3fe8119. Steps to reproduce: 1) Set scaling to normal (no scaling), no AR correction in global options 2) Set AR correction enabled for a specific game (i used fate of atlantis for pc) 3) Start the game, and quit using RTL 4) Start the game, and quit again using RTL... the error should show up now.

Ticket imported from: #3388982. Ticket imported from: bugs/5823.

#11402 wontfix v2.1.2 has a "64 bit" download which is seemingly only 32 bit lotharsm lwcorp

With the maintenance release v2.1.2 out, the download page has "Windows Installer (32 and 64 bit) (37.4M Win32 .exe mirrorlist sha256)", but like it says in brackets the file name is called win32.exe.

If you meant the installer is 32-bit but it actually installs 64-bit files, I think it's confusing to call the installer 32 bit.

If there's no 64 bit version, please remove the "and 64 bit" part from the description.

#7264 use of F10 SF/olki SF/starsinthesky

In simon games, at least simon II, you hit F10 and all the items in the room is highlighted

I wonder if that can be implemented.. thanx

Ticket imported from: #691250. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/80.

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