Custom Query (13997 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 13997)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9621 outdated 1.9.0 android can't add games for non-rooted android systems dafioram dafioram

Clicking the Add Game button causes ScummVM to open in the /storage folder which I don't have root access for so the two folders it shows are /storage/emulated and /storage/self which both are empty if I try to open them. This is picture 1.

One solution is to have the default location to be were scummVM is installed (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.scummvm.sdl/files) which is how a previous version of ScummVM did it, picture 2. In this way I can hit Go up to find where my games are on /storage/emulated/0/.

This was an issue for the android all,arm, and arm-7a builds.

Is there a config workaround that can be done for 1.9.0?

#7787 invalid 11th Hour anonymous

Is it possible to get 11th Hour running on a future version of ScummVM?

Ticket imported from: #3070437. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/603.

#13809 fixed 11th hour localized file issue & fix lolovo lolovo


I've faced with an issue described here - As it was mentioned it is a specific of localized files. I've noticed that in roq.cpp:547 for seek of end position endpos is used and this leeds to crash, but maybe appropriate try will be using file->pos in this case (I'm not the spicialist in scummvm code, as well as groovie engine). Anyway when file->pos is used the issue is solved (no crash anymore). The fix is the following:

	if (endpos != _file->pos()) {
		warning("Groovie::ROQ: BLOCK %04x Should have ended at %d, and has ended at %d", blockHeader.type, endpos, (int)_file->pos());
		warning("Ensure you've copied the files correctly according to the wiki.");
		_file->seek(_file->pos());//was _file->seek(endpos);

Could you please verify this and maybe integrate this in project. With this fix my issue is solved. Thanks!

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