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Results (40 - 42 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 fixed no piece of the map in the coffin (MI2) SF/ender anonymous


I'm playing the germany version on monkey island 2 (easy part). I finished the first party and now I can't finish the game. I don't know if it's a human bug (perhaps I didn't solve all the problems correctly) or if it's a software bug. In the end of part II I'll find the 4th piece of the map in the coffin of "Rapp Scallion". But there's nothing in there! Just a handful of ash... While opening the coffing, the following error message appears: Expired resources, mem 418097 -> 309003

The technical informations: Detected game 'Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's revenge', version 5.2.2

ScummVM 0.2.0 devel Built on Apr 13 2002 19:36:12

I checked out the cvs version myself, because it didn't work with the build from 20020408.

I attached the savegame, just before opening the coffin.

Ticket imported from: #543449. Ticket imported from: bugs/154.

#157 invalid scummvm and gcc 3.0.4 SF/ender anonymous


whenever i tried to compile scummvm with gcc 3.0.4 i get this message: Undefined first referenced symbol in file vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_infoscummvm.o vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_inforesource.o operator delete(void*) scummvm.o __gxx_personality_v0 actor.o

can you have a look at this? it would be great. when i tried to compile it with gcc 2.95.3 under solaris, the application dies, no matter which game i tried to run. i am not really a programmer, but i figured out that it has something to do with your READ_BE_UINT functions. i guess it can't handle your (void *) pointers, but i honestly don't know. so i thought a newer gcc version would help. but it didn't.

Ticket imported from: #544172. Ticket imported from: bugs/157.

#160 worksforme wont run SF/ender anonymous

while trying to load samnmax or samdemo i get a "Detected game 'Sam & Max', version 6.4.2 Error(0:0:0x0): Bad ID √√i√ found in directory!!" error DOTT works fine tho :\ (both in a few cvs versions and latest stable)

Ticket imported from: #544372. Ticket imported from: bugs/160.

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