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Results (61 - 63 of 14011)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14648 fixed SWORD1: French translation game variant for sword1 Guy0me

Hello our French translation Broken Sword 1 version is not working anymore (with the files available on the site) since the 2.7.1 release. It was working before since the beginning of the support of the game.

The game in 'Broken Sword 1, Shadow of the Templars (USA) (T-Fr v1.02) (CD Windows)' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Matched game IDs for the sword1 engine: sword1-win-gb

{"scripts.clu", 0, "72b10193714e8c6e4daca51791c0db0c", 1088292}, {"smackshi/intro.smk", 0, "d82a7869ace8fcecaa519c04c4bfc483", 13233268}, {"swordres.rif", 0, "5463362dc77b6efc36e46ac84998bd2f", 59788}, {"text.clu", 0, "76f93f5feecc8915435105478f3c6615", 2705446},

Thank you

#14746 sword2의 알려지지 않은 게임 변형 Leemann07

Broken Sword 2 is the Korean patch version. I know the commit for this has been merged, but I can't find the game in folder, so I'm asking.

The game in 'Sword 2' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the sword2 engine: sword2-demo-win

{"docks.clu", 0, "b39246fbb5b955a29f9a207c69bfc318", 20262263}, {"general.clu", 0, "31db8564f9187538f24d9fda0677f666", 7059728},

#15123 fixed WME: "1/2 Ritter" broken in latest snapshot codengine

"1/2 Ritter" is broken using the latest build with hash #50c5ee2b. The screenshots show how it's supposed to look like and how it is in the latest snapshot.

Moreover, I noticed that on 2.8.1 the Window will stay maximized whereas in #50c5ee2b it will scale down to the games native resolution I believe.

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