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Results (61 - 63 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13511 fixed SCUMM: COMI: Animation played on top of recipe book AndywinXp AndywinXp

To replicate this, just go in part 6 to the snow diorama, get out of the car, go near the giant dynamomonkey, open up the recipe book and wait until this happens:

Any ideas about this one? It doesn't happen at all in the interpreter and it seems like the interpreter pauses the script which makes the car appear during the recipe book screen, because I hear the sound of the car moving in a loop but it never fades away.

#13548 fixed SCUMM/HE: White dots in Cantina sign AndywinXp Thunderforge

In the town square, the pink cantina sign on the right has white dots in it that don't appear in the original.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Start the game
  2. Keep pressing Esc until Spy Fox is in the town square

Versions Tested

#13588 fixed SCUMM/HE: Volcano game in putttime doesn't play sound when a volcano is repeated AndywinXp Thunderforge

In Putt-Putt Travels Through Time (putttime), there is a volcano game that is basically the game Simon. Whenever a volcano erupts, it makes a sound.

Expected Behavior

Every time a volcano erupts, it makes a sound. If the same volcano erupts twice in a row, it should play the corresponding sound twice.

Actual Behavior

If the volcano erupts twice in a row, it only plays the sound once. The second eruption is silent.

Reproduction steps

  1. Bring up the ScummVM debugger
  2. Type in room 40 and press Enter
  3. Play the game long enough until there is a repeated volcano

Since the game is random, there isn't really a way to guarantee that it will happen, so you just have to keep playing.

Versions Tested

  • ScummVM 2.6.0 Pre-release 2022-06-10, Windows x64
  • Steam version of Putt-Putt Travels Through Time
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