Custom Query (14000 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14947 fixed Unknown game variant for ags tag2015 Termimad

The game in 'ShiftersBoxGerman' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the ags engine: shiftersboxoutsidein

{"Box.exe", 0, "0514661a4ba6772cf0db0cf839fc7003", 30959098},

This Game is German

#14946 fixed Orion Burger: Main menu new music after completing game dreammaster afreickmann

After completing the game, the main menu continue playing the end theme over the menu. Currently it switches to the main menu music.


#14945 wontfix Orion Burger: Cancel dialogue dreammaster afreickmann

I noticed that by clicking in the world on something and triggering a dialogue, you still can skip the dialogue by just clicking on another spot. I wonder if this is an actual usable function to skip dialogue in general. Feel free to close the ticket if not possible

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.