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Results (85 - 87 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#85 fixed Filename problem SF/ender anonymous

I've noticed that for the past few days, the code in the CVS tree doesn't use filenames the same way it used to. I used to be able to have (for instance) monkey.000 and monkey.001 in the ScummVM directory and just type:

scummvm monkey

and have it run. Now, I get the following error:

Error(0:0:0x0): Cannot find '(null)monkey.000'!

If I rename the files to (literally): (null)monkey.000 and (null)monkey.001 it works, but it's somewhat irksome to have to do.

Ticket imported from: #524725. Ticket imported from: bugs/85.

#86 fixed Filename bug with MI1 CD SF/ender anonymous

This is similar to the other file name bug reported. I have the CD version of MI1 and the three important files for that is called monkey1.exe, monkey1.000, and monkey1.001. However, ScummVM won't start because it is looking for monkey.000 and 001. In other words you have to remove "1" from the files, so it becomes monkey.000 etc.

Ticket imported from: #524750. Ticket imported from: bugs/86.

#87 fixed Monkey 2 missing musics and sounds... vincenthamm SF/drebon

Well I've noticed that some music does'nt use the corrects instruments, and that te instrumenments that are used do depend on the previously played music (it is very easy to see this by loading a savestate just after the protection or in a certain room wich a certain type of instruments wich will lead to the playing of the music with the instruments that were used before)... Then I also noticed that the music of the Mojo vaudoo house was not played (sorry I don'nt know the english name ut in french the place is called "marais") And the music of the scenes where largo and Lechuck speek together hangs at its begining (during that time in Lechuck's fortress). Some sounds are also incorectly played (especially those from the spit contest where all the "swish- swish", "Huuuchh" make the same sound...)

By the way the game can easily be completed there truly are no big problems...

(the music at the Mojo house is ery cool, it is a real pain that it does'nt work... I hope it will be soon...)

Ticket imported from: #526063. Ticket imported from: bugs/87.

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