Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#10010 SAGA: IHNM (Ellen) - Anubis problems at end new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#5638 SAGA: IHNM - Animations speed/sequence is off new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#5828 SAGA: IHNM - Character selection animations often miss a frame new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10012 SAGA: IHNM - End game area easy to get stuck near beginning new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#15214 SAGA: IHNM: Cannot proceed to endgame segment new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#12435 SAGA: IHNM: Issues with sound options synchronization between native control panel and ScummVM GMM new defect normal Engine: SAGA
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