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Results (88 - 90 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4610 DrMcCoy hkzlab fixed GOB2: Hotspots get screwed in amoniak throne room

Tested with 1.0.0 branch, svn rev 44106 on linux 64bit. Gobliins 2 CD version. How to reproduce: from the provided savegame, just get back to the amoniak throne room (either walking or using the menu). The cursor will now always act as if it's selecting the buffoon. This makes completing the game impossible.

Ticket imported from: #2859606. Ticket imported from: bugs/4610.

#4616 tsoliman SF/bramvandijk fixed GOB3: Lock up at grocery

-ScummVM 1.0.0pre044373 -If Blount sits on the sofa he should take a quick nap. However, now the nap never ends, and thus it is impossible to continue playing the game. To reproduce the bug, load the attached save game, and click on the sofa. -DOS/English GB -It is the floppy version -I played using the daily build for Windows Vista -This is a regression from last time I played the game with ScummVM, I think it was with 0.12.

Ticket imported from: #2867294. Ticket imported from: bugs/4616.

#4621 DrMcCoy SF/kuroshiro duplicate GOB3: Cannot continue in game

Testing the September 26th SVN on Windows XP, Game: Goblins Quest 3 CD (DOS/English).

In the screen with Queen Xina, for some reason after obtaining the axe Fulbert will no longer climb the thing to knock the skull over. He will be able to the first time you enter the room, but any time after that, no dice.

Ticket imported from: #2867682. Ticket imported from: bugs/4621.

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