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Results (85 - 87 of 14011)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4498 SF/tanoku joostp fixed PSP: Crash upon launching

Since r42668 (Fix bug #2825252: "GUI: Low Res Bugs") the PSP port crashes at startup with:

scummvm: gui/ListWidget.cpp:548: virtual void GUI::ListWidget::reflowLayout(): Assertion `_entriesPerPage > 0' failed.

This revision updated the theme files, and apparently there is an error in the 480x272 config. It's easy to reproduce this on PC by changing the initSize() call in base/main.cpp:237 to init 480x272, and running ScummVM with -g1x.

Obviously this is release critical, so giving priority 9. Frustratingly enough this change was made AFTER me reporting the PSP port was OK for release, and before the branch (so needs to be fixed in both trunk and 1-0-0 branch).

Ticket imported from: #2829805. Ticket imported from: bugs/4498.

#4542 joostp fixed PSP: T7G poor performance

With latest SVN (trunk and branch) performance in The 7th Guest on PSP is VERY poor, and much worse compared to 0.13.1

I haven't had a chance yet to find which revision introduced the slowness, Maybe one of the groovie engine developers has an idea.

As a sidenote, in 0.13.1 the performance of groovie wasn't great either, especially considering the original game ran better on my 386sx 25mhz than it does on a 222 or 333mhz PSP. Looks to me like there is room for optimization of the engine.

Ticket imported from: #2839528. Ticket imported from: bugs/4542.

#4609 lordhoto SF/sanguinehearts GUI: GMM crashes when running in 320x200 and 320x240

When playing Maniac Mansion NES(US)ROM PRG Section on the iPhone RC1(downloaded from the cydia sources) the game plays fine, however when I load up the menu with F5 and click on 'Options the game crashes to console and displays

'ERROR: Widget <ScummConfig.Ok> has x + w >'

when clicking Help it also displays

'ERROR: Widget <ScummHelp.Close> has x + w'

This crash does not occur with MM C64 or ZAK C64 on the iPhone and does not occur with MM NES running under a trunk build on Windows.

I have attached screenshots of the console during the crash

Just my two pence but could this be caused by the difference in resolution for the NES version of MM?

Ticket imported from: #2859401. Ticket imported from: bugs/4609.

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