Opened 7 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#9807 closed feature request (fixed)

SCI: GK1: Restore missing Windows video in Day 6, Bayou Cutscene?

Reported by: DustyShinigami Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: sci32 original
Cc: Game: Gabriel Knight 1


Reached the Bayou in the swamp and the cutscenes that play during the rital are a bit off; their transitions appear too quick or only animate one frame at a time. While this Let's Play video is no doubt the DOSBox version you should be able to see the difference between that and the save file. Lowering the speed doesn't seem to help either.

Here's a link to the video:

It's around the 20:33 mark.

ScummVM version - 1.10.0git3348-g30b5fc8c36
Language of game - English
Version of game - Talkie, CD-ROM
Platform and Compiler - Win32

Attachments (1)

gk1-cd-win.010 (47.3 KB ) - added by DustyShinigami 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by DustyShinigami, 7 years ago

Attachment: gk1-cd-win.010 added

in reply to:  description comment:1 by DustyShinigami, 7 years ago

Replying to DustyShinigami:

Reached the Bayou in the swamp and the cutscenes that play during the ritual are a bit off; their transitions appear too quick or only animate one frame at a time. While this Let's Play video is no doubt the DOSBox version you should be able to see the difference between that and the save file. Lowering the speed doesn't seem to help either.

Here's a link to the video:

It's around the 20:33 mark.

ScummVM version - 1.10.0git3348-g30b5fc8c36
Language of game - English
Version of game - Talkie, CD-ROM
Platform and Compiler - Win32

comment:2 by csnover, 7 years ago

Keywords: sci32 added
Summary: Gabriel Knight 1 - Day 6, Bayou CutsceneSCI: GK1: Restore missing Windows video in Day 6, Bayou Cutscene?
Type: defectenhancement

Thanks for your report!

So, I don’t know why, but Sierra patched out all of the video playback in the Windows version of this room. So, ScummVM is working correctly here, this is how the Windows version of GK1 works.

It might be possible to restore the video playback, since the video files are on the CD (at least on the 1.0 US release), so I am converting this ticket to a feature request to see if it is possible to restore the video playback in this room without breaking something.

comment:3 by DustyShinigami, 7 years ago

I see. Bizarre of Sierra to do that. Two of those sequences are basically repeats from the dream scenes at the beginning of the game. The wheel within a wheel one plays for about 2 seconds, but isn't as abrupt as it is during that section. Certainly hope that feature gets added.

comment:4 by sluicebox, 5 years ago

This hits on a bigger issue I would like to fix. There are several Sierra games that shipped with both DOS and Windows interpreters and we ask the user which version they want. That's a bad question with a wrong answer that the user can't possibly know until they're days deep and hit things like this. The *best* case scenario is that their answer doesn't matter.

There's no such thing as a DOS version of Gabriel Knight and a Windows version. There are two interpreter EXEs that shipped on the same CD, and only on English versions. One of them sets a flag that says "I'm Windows 3.1, please don't hurt me" and one or two game scripts comply by doing things like not playing full video, or instead launching postage stamp AVIs. A user presented with this impossible question would likely assume that the *newer* operating system was the right answer, and sadly get the result we have here.

I would submit a PR today that ripped out all the duplicate Windows versions from the detection tables except I think that would breaks things for users who have already answered the question wrong. (Or maybe I'm wrong about that?)

We should still do that though! But with a migration path, which is the hard part. For now I'm just mouthing off here for lack of a better medium. But this one is on my radar.

comment:5 by angstsmurf, 5 years ago

Games will actually stay in the library even if they are removed from the detection tables, but I think most of them won't be playable anymore because of the weird way ScummVM runs the detector again when starting a game. Perhaps PR #1210 will change this.

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by angstsmurf (next)

comment:6 by sluicebox, 4 years ago

Keywords: original added
Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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