Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15350, comment 9

Sep 2, 2024, 8:36:17 PM (2 weeks ago)


  • Ticket #15350, comment 9

    initial v1  
    11i made uncensored versions of the german amiga version and now for atari st version. i modified a little bit the already existing vga and ega uncensored versions from other ones, because there were some things missing for a full uncensored game. and i heavily modified the also existing german fm-towns also from another one, with new audio tracks for venice and for the zeppelin piano room, because those 2 original music track are sucking :)
    2 the only problem which i know is in the one problem with the map in the fmtowns version. from venice to schloss brunwald, whe map is shown correctly, but later the swastika flag is in the middle black circle and the german country names are in few place a little bit black. i dont know where the problem is, because in the beginning it is working, and later not, but it always is uising the same file for the map.
     2they are all finished already. but they need more testing, more people too play and give feedback.
     3the only greater problem which i know is in the one problem with the map in the fmtowns version. from venice to schloss brunwald, whe map is shown correctly, but later the swastika flag is in the middle black circle and the german country names are in few place a little bit black. i dont know where the problem is, because in the beginning it is working, and later not, but it always is uising the same file for the map.