Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15265, comment 7

Jul 18, 2024, 9:30:04 AM (2 months ago)


  • Ticket #15265, comment 7

    initial v1  
    29 So, the keyboard gets hidden as a side effect of the engine being overly cautious hiding inventory screen.
     29So, the keyboard gets hidden as a side effect of the engine being overly cautious hiding  the inventory screen.
    3131If this is considered a defect/bug/issue it should thus be specific for the TINSEL engine and probably be investigated and properly resolved by a developer familiar with the engine (ie. probably not me).
    3333In general, I'd say that the issue reported in this ticket is not Android-specific and, if a fix is required, it should be considered on a specific engine or game basis each time, where the issue appears.
    35 To clarify, as noted in my previous message, other engines and games won't hide the virtual keyboard when skipping cutscenes (with Esc or other key mapped to the skip action). A few examples of this, that I've quick-tested, are Blade Runner, Monkey Island 1, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis). This is the expected behavior. You are able to just keep your finder on the "Esc" and skip cutscenes back to back.
     35To clarify, as noted in my previous message, other engines and games won't hide the virtual keyboard when skipping cutscenes (with Esc or other key mapped to the skip action). A few examples of this, that I've quick-tested, are Blade Runner, Monkey Island 1, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis). This is the expected behavior. You are able to just keep your finger on the "Esc" and keep skipping cutscenes back to back.