Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Ticket #15126, comment 10

May 15, 2024, 5:22:04 AM (5 months ago)


  • Ticket #15126, comment 10

    v5 v6  
    77So reporting that doesn't really make any sense.
    9 Loading of new screens is as fast as possible. That's intentional. The original interpreter also worked like that. If you want a short delay, you can switch to Apple IIgs, to even get screen transition animations. The frame rate limiter is only active when the game is playing, and even that's only changed in ScummVM for situations where the game asked for unlimited frame rate. Before that rewrite we had all sorts of issues in Gold Rush!
     9Loading of new screens is as fast as possible. That's intentional. The original interpreter also worked like that. If you want a short delay, you can switch to Apple IIgs, to even get screen transition animations. This screen transition is throttled, otherwise you wouldn't see it. The frame rate limiter is only active when the game is playing, and even that's only changed in ScummVM for situations where the game asked for unlimited frame rate. Before that rewrite we had all sorts of issues in Gold Rush!
    1111btw. since that rewrite, you can now run a DOS-AGI game in Apple IIgs mode, to get Apple IIgs screen change transition animation, as well as Apple IIgs font, or you can run it as if it was an Amiga game, with the Amiga font etc. That wasn't possible back then.