Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #15126, comment 1

May 14, 2024, 12:54:37 AM (5 months ago)


  • Ticket #15126, comment 1

    v2 v3  
    1010There may be "optimizations" or rather hacks in some games for situations where the original interpreter struggled, which in turn set the speed to unlimited or higher just to circumvent the struggle. A known example is the Apple IIgs interpreter, which was hacked to run at unlimited speed, simply because the computer hardware was not able to handle the games. We had to reimplement proper speed settings for Apple IIgs way because of this.
     12We are normally doing exactly what the game (script) asks for.
     13If it asks for 20 fps, we run at exactly 20 fps, and it's irrelevant if you have a super-fast PC, or just a 10 year old PC. I just watched the intro using an older ScummVM version and at least the 2nd message box closes too fast, but we are normally just doing what the scripts are asking for.
     15In Dosbox w/ 3000 cycles the 2nd message box closes after around 13-15 seconds.
     16In ScummVM it closes after around 7 seconds.
     18Maybe it's even some internal speed check.