Opened 4 months ago

Closed 4 months ago

#14906 closed defect (fixed)

Reah: Face the Unknown - inventory not updating

Reported by: JamesPoel Owned by: elasota
Priority: normal Component: Engine: V-Cruise
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Reah


I have encountered a game-breaking bug with Reah: Face the unknown. I am using 2.8.0 on Android 14.

There is a sequence in the game where you trade a weight with a merchant.

When you click on the weight, the merchant's cutscene plays, but when the player regains control, the new weight is not inserted into the player's INVENTORY, and the player is therefore unable to proceed with completing the game.

Here is a video of me reproducing the issue, as well as a recording of a walkthrough showing what is supposed to happen.

On a side note, the cutscene videos are very stuttery in both this and schizm.

Attachments (1)

reah-win.008 (15.5 KB ) - added by antoniou79 4 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by antoniou79, 4 months ago

Please attach a saved game, before the issue occurs in-game, to help us reproduce the issue.

by antoniou79, 4 months ago

Attachment: reah-win.008 added

comment:2 by antoniou79, 4 months ago

Component: --Unset--Engine: V-Cruise
Game: Reah
Owner: set to elasota

Since this happens early on, I've played up to the point myself with ScummVM 2.8.0. I've attached a saved game before clicking on the Merhant's table with the weights.

The bug is reproducible even on Windows 10 x64, so it's not specific to Android platform.

While it certainly looks like a bug, there is a workaround. After exchanging the weight for the one that you carried, click on the water pouch. The merchant will comment something about water's importance and wants its weight in gold. If you then click to leave the table, the new weight will show up in your inventory.

It seems that perhaps the trigger for tranferring that item to the inventory got mixed up with the trigger for the water pouch (?) This is just speculation based on the observed behavior, though, as of yet.

Version 0, edited 4 months ago by antoniou79 (next)

comment:3 by antoniou79, 4 months ago

It seems that the issue comes from this special condition for the engine for Reah:

if (_gameID == GID_REAH && _loadedAnimationHasSound)
	return false;

That condition is intentional as the comment above it explains, but perhaps it has side-effects (or _loadedAnimationHasSound is not properly cleaned up in some cases?) for other situations.

comment:4 by antoniou79, 4 months ago

I have now tested with the game's own launcher (I have the gog English version) and this bug is not there. In this case, the inventory is hidden (and subtitles show up) when the player clicks on the lead weight, and it's again shown after the merchands scene/speech ends and the scene returns back to the view of the scales (and after the player says something "there's nothing like barterting" -- although it could be a quick sequence of hidden->shown->hidden again for the "barterting" cue-> and shown again).

This is different from what is shown in the youtube video in the OP, in that that video does not have subtitles, and the inventory does not get hidden in the OP's case.

comment:5 by elasota, 4 months ago

This appears to be a rendering bug. You can work around the issue by saving the game and reloading the save.

comment:7 by elasota, 4 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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