Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12864, comment 4

Aug 30, 2021, 8:59:13 PM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #12864, comment 4

    initial v1  
    99In any case flattening paths ensure we are not going to assert if some games really try to do it (even if Strangeland doesn't), so I made the commit (and it was only a one line change).
    11 However while saving and loading seems to work if I reload the game in the same session, this still does not work when closing the game and restarting. I suspect this is because we do not support the `kFile_Write` mode and always treat it as `kFile_CreateAlways`, which means that it replaces the file if is already exists instead of opening it in append mode or read-write mode. This may be why the strangeland-list.slot file, which contains a list of the saved games, seems to be cleared when closing and restarting the game.
     11However while saving and loading seems to work if I reload the game in the same session, this still does not work when closing the game and restarting. I suspect this is because we do not support the `kFile_Create` mode and always treat it as `kFile_CreateAlways`, which means that it replaces the file if is already exists instead of opening it in append mode or read-write mode. This may be why the strangeland-list.slot file, which contains a list of the saved games, seems to be cleared when closing and restarting the game.