Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10835, comment 16

Dec 30, 2018, 11:31:24 PM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #10835, comment 16

    initial v1  
    55* I moved project off crystal and onto the room. No more zombie "script" reference.
    66* I moved sMessages off the room and onto avis. No more spell blocking.
    7 * Regarding ProjObj's travel time... Some mistake that negated my attempts at setting moveSpeed threw me off initially, hence the setStep(). setSpeed() is cooperating, but a vixed value doesn't fit all slider positions well. I'm working on patching ProjObj::init() to vary setSpeed()'s value with hero's speed, with a multiplier. Need to verify that every value for speeds 0-15 will come out appropriate.
     7* Regarding ProjObj's travel time... Some mistake that negated my attempts at setting moveSpeed threw me off initially, hence the setStep(). setSpeed() is cooperating, but a single fixed value doesn't fit all slider positions well. I'm working on patching ProjObj::init() to vary setSpeed()'s value with hero's speed, with a multiplier. Need to verify that every value for speeds 0-15 will come out appropriate.