Ticket #9007: typos.patch
File typos.patch, 1.9 KB (added by , 16 years ago) |
1226 1226 Savegames are by default put in the current directory on some platforms 1227 1227 and preset directories on others. You can specify the save in the 1228 1228 config file by setting the savepath parameter. See the example config 1229 file later in this readme.1229 file later in this README. 1230 1230 1231 1231 The platforms that currently have a different default directory are: 1232 1232 Mac OS X: $HOME/Documents/ScummVM Savegames/ … … 1541 1541 dmedia_port to your sequencer port. The default is to use the first port. 1542 1542 1543 1543 To get a list of configured midi interfaces on your system, run startmidi 1544 without parameters. Exa ple output:1544 without parameters. Example output: 1545 1545 1546 1546 2 MIDI interfaces configured: 1547 1547 Serial Port 2 … … 2012 2012 2013 2013 Maemo: 2014 2014 * Get Scratchbox environment with Maemo 2.2 rootstrap (2.2 is for 770 and up) 2015 * Install li mbad, Tremor, FLAC, libmpeg2 from source2015 * Install libmad, Tremor, FLAC, libmpeg2 from source 2016 2016 * patch scummvm source (some stuff is currently too dirty to be in svn directly) 2017 2017 patch -p1 < backends/platform/maemo/scummvm-0.11.0-maemo.patch 2018 2018 * go to backends/platform/maemo -
646 646 // 1) show a dir selection dialog which lets the user pick the directory 647 647 // the game data resides in. 648 648 // 2) try to auto detect which game is in the directory, if we cannot 649 // determine it uniquely pre ent a list of candidates to the user649 // determine it uniquely present a list of candidates to the user 650 650 // to pick from 651 651 // 3) Display the 'Edit' dialog for that item, letting the user specify 652 652 // an alternate description (to distinguish multiple versions of the