Ticket #2887: FT.log

File FT.log, 7.6 KB (added by SF/*anonymous, 18 years ago)

Debug log (-d3)

1Using configuration file: scummvm.ini
2Debuglevel (from command line): 3
3Output sample rate: 22050 Hz
4Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/themes/modern.ini
5Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/themes/modern.zip
6Reading section: [XxY]
7Reading section: [chooser]
8Reading section: [graphicsControls]
9Reading section: [audioControls]
10Reading section: [volumeControls]
11Reading section: [subtitleControls]
12Reading section: [midiControls]
13Reading section: [graphicsControls]
14Reading section: [audioControls]
15Reading section: [volumeControls]
16Reading section: [subtitleControls]
17Reading section: [midiControls]
18Reading section: [scummmain]
19Reading section: [volumeControls]
20Reading section: [subtitleControls]
21Number of variables: 1260
22Reading section: [XxY]
23Reading section: [pixmaps]
24Reading section: [colors]
25Reading section: [gradients]
26Reading section: [extra]
27Reading section: [chooser]
28Reading section: [scummmain]
29Reading section: [graphicsControls]
30Reading section: [audioControls]
31Reading section: [volumeControls]
32Reading section: [subtitleControls]
33Reading section: [midiControls]
34Reading section: [graphicsControls]
35Reading section: [audioControls]
36Reading section: [volumeControls]
37Reading section: [subtitleControls]
38Reading section: [midiControls]
39Reading section: [scummmain]
40Reading section: [volumeControls]
41Reading section: [subtitleControls]
42Number of variables: 2032
43File dialog_bkgd_corner.bmp not found
44File dialog_bkgd_top.bmp not found
45File dialog_bkgd_left.bmp not found
46File dialog_bkgd.bmp not found
47File widget_bkgd_corner.bmp not found
48File widget_bkgd_top.bmp not found
49File widget_bkgd_left.bmp not found
50File widget_bkgd.bmp not found
51File checkbox_empty.bmp not found
52File checkbox_checked.bmp not found
53File widget_arrow.bmp not found
54File button_bkgd_corner.bmp not found
55File button_bkgd_top.bmp not found
56File button_bkgd_left.bmp not found
57File button_bkgd.bmp not found
58File widget_small_bkgd_corner.bmp not found
59File widget_small_bkgd_top.bmp not found
60File widget_small_bkgd_left.bmp not found
61File widget_small_bkgd.bmp not found
62File logo.bmp not found
63File cursor.bmp not found
64File helvr12-l1.fcc not found
65Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/themes/modern.zip
66File courr12-l1.fcc not found
67Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/themes/modern.zip
68Looking for ft
69Trying to start game 'Full Throttle'
70Using gameid ft, variant , extra Version A
71Using MD5 '09820417db26687bb7fe0c83cc4c553b'
72Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/ROADRASH.RIP
73Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/ROADRSH2.RIP
74Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/ROADRSH3.RIP
75Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/GOGLPALT.RIP
76Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TOVISTA1.FLU
77Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TOVISTA2.FLU
78Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TORANCH.FLU
79Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/MINEDRIV.FLU
80Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/MINEFITE.FLU
81Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/BENSGOGG.NUT
82Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/BENCUT.NUT
83Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/ICONS.NUT
84Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/ICONS2.NUT
85Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/FT.LA0
86vars[232] = 0 (via script-0)
87vars[232] = 1 (via script-0)
88vars[233] = 0 (via script-0)
89vars[233] = 2 (via script-0)
90vars[254] = 0 (via script-0)
91vars[254] = 3 (via script-0)
92vars[263] = 0 (via script-0)
93vars[263] = 4 (via script-0)
94vars[320] = 0 (via script-0)
95vars[320] = 5 (via script-0)
96vars[334] = 0 (via script-0)
97vars[334] = 6 (via script-0)
98vars[341] = 0 (via script-0)
99vars[341] = 7 (via script-0)
100vars[342] = 0 (via script-0)
101vars[342] = 8 (via script-0)
102vars[343] = 0 (via script-0)
103vars[343] = 9 (via script-0)
104vars[358] = 0 (via script-0)
105vars[358] = 10 (via script-0)
106vars[372] = 0 (via script-0)
107vars[372] = 11 (via script-0)
108vars[373] = 0 (via script-0)
109vars[373] = 12 (via script-0)
110vars[375] = 0 (via script-0)
111vars[375] = 13 (via script-0)
112vars[387] = 0 (via script-0)
113vars[387] = 14 (via script-0)
114vars[388] = 0 (via script-0)
115vars[388] = 15 (via script-0)
116vars[389] = 0 (via script-0)
117vars[389] = 16 (via script-0)
118vars[416] = 0 (via script-0)
119vars[416] = 17 (via script-0)
120vars[417] = 0 (via script-0)
121vars[417] = 18 (via script-0)
122vars[418] = 0 (via script-0)
123vars[418] = 19 (via script-0)
124vars[419] = 0 (via script-0)
125vars[419] = 20 (via script-0)
126vars[420] = 0 (via script-0)
127vars[420] = 21 (via script-0)
128vars[421] = 0 (via script-0)
129vars[421] = 22 (via script-0)
130vars[422] = 0 (via script-0)
131vars[422] = 23 (via script-0)
132vars[424] = 0 (via script-0)
133vars[424] = 24 (via script-0)
134vars[448] = 0 (via script-0)
135vars[448] = 25 (via script-0)
136vars[449] = 0 (via script-0)
137vars[449] = 26 (via script-0)
138vars[459] = 0 (via script-0)
139vars[459] = 27 (via script-0)
140vars[467] = 0 (via script-0)
141vars[467] = 28 (via script-0)
142vars[468] = 0 (via script-0)
143vars[468] = 29 (via script-0)
144vars[469] = 0 (via script-0)
145vars[469] = 30 (via script-0)
146vars[470] = 0 (via script-0)
147vars[470] = 31 (via script-0)
148vars[471] = 0 (via script-0)
149vars[471] = 32 (via script-0)
150vars[472] = 0 (via script-0)
151vars[472] = 33 (via script-0)
152vars[473] = 0 (via script-0)
153vars[473] = 34 (via script-0)
154vars[474] = 0 (via script-0)
155vars[474] = 35 (via script-0)
156vars[475] = 0 (via script-0)
157vars[475] = 36 (via script-0)
158vars[488] = 0 (via script-0)
159vars[488] = 37 (via script-0)
160vars[489] = 0 (via script-0)
161vars[489] = 38 (via script-0)
162vars[492] = 0 (via script-0)
163vars[492] = 39 (via script-0)
164vars[493] = 0 (via script-0)
165vars[493] = 40 (via script-0)
166vars[507] = 0 (via script-0)
167vars[507] = 41 (via script-0)
168vars[512] = 0 (via script-0)
169vars[512] = 42 (via script-0)
170Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/FT.LA1
171File ft.sou not found
172File ft.sof not found
173File ft.sog not found
174File ft.so3 not found
175Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/MONSTER.SOU
176DEBUG: room number in boot = 0
177DEBUG: sputm-debug = 1
178DEBUG: exit room 1
179DEBUG: exit room 1
180DEBUG: build-shadow-palettes
181Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/VIDEO/INTROD_8.SAN
182Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/VIDEO/INTROD_8.TRS
183Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SCUMMFNT.NUT
184Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TECHFNT.NUT
185Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TITLFNT.NUT
186Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SPECFNT.NUT
187Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/VIDEO/INTROD_8.SAN
188File introd_8.mp3 not found
189File introd_8.ogg not found
190Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/VIDEO/CREDITS.SAN
191Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/VIDEO/CREDITS.TRS
192Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SCUMMFNT.NUT
193Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TECHFNT.NUT
194Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TITLFNT.NUT
195Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SPECFNT.NUT
196Save version: 68
197Saved game MD5: 09820417db26687bb7fe0c83cc4c553b
198Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/FT.LA1
199State loaded from 'ft.s07'
200DEBUG: exit room 1
201DEBUG: build-shadow-palettes
202DEBUG: ben has chain
203DEBUG: ben has chainsaw
204DEBUG: ben has mace
205DEBUG: ben has 2x4
206DEBUG: ben has wrench
207DEBUG: ben has dust
208Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TORANCH.SAN
209Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/MINEROAD.TRS
210Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SCUMMFNT.NUT
211Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TECHFNT.NUT
212Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TITLFNT.NUT
213Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/SPECFNT.NUT
214Opening hashed: Games:ScummVM/Games/FullThrottle/DATA/TORANCH.SAN