Ticket #13654: scummvm.2.log

File scummvm.2.log, 2.0 KB (added by raziel-, 22 months ago)
1Default configuration file missing, creating a new one
2Debuglevel (from command line): 9
3AmigaOSFileSystemNode::getChildren() -> Root node obtained!
4Reading plugins from plugin directory ''
5Reading plugins from plugin directory 'plugins/'
6Couldn't open plugin directory '/usr/local/lib/scummvm'
7Using SDL Video Driver "os4"
8OpenGL version: OpenGL ES 2 3.1 on top of Warp3D Nova 1.86
9OpenGL maximum texture size: 16384
10OpenGL: GLES2 context initialized
11OpenGL vendor: A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener @ GoldenCode.eu
12OpenGL renderer: Warp3D Nova 1.86
13OpenGL: version 2.0
14OpenGL: GLSL version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 0.9
15OpenGL: GLSL version: 9
16OpenGL: Max texture size: 16384
17OpenGL: NPOT texture support: 1
18OpenGL: Shader support: 1
19OpenGL: Multitexture support: 1
20OpenGL: FBO support: 1
21OpenGL: Multisample FBO support: 0
22OpenGL: Multisample max number: -1
23OpenGL: Packed pixels support: 1
24OpenGL: Packed depth stencil support: 1
25OpenGL: Unpack subimage support: 0
26OpenGL: OpenGL ES depth 24 support: 0
27OpenGL: Texture edge clamping support: 1
28Invalid joystick: 0
29Using SDL Audio Driver "amigaos4"
30Output sample rate: 44100 Hz
31Output buffer size: 1024 samples
32HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_START' not known
33HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_Y-' not known
34HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_Y+' not known
35HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_X-' not known
36HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT_STICK_X+' not known
37HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT_SHOULDER' not known
38Setting 640 x 400 -> 640 x 400 -- 1
39File::open: opening 'gui-icons.dat' failed
40Loading theme builtin
41Adding Gui Object 0x58863e08 to trash
42HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_A' not known
43HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_Y' not known
44HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_UP' not known
45HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_DOWN' not known
46HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT' not known
47HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT' not known
48Setting 640 x 400 -> 640 x 400 -- 1
49Loading theme builtin
50Adding Gui Object 0x58866dc0 to trash
51Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x58863e08
52Delayed deletion of Gui Object 0x58866dc0