Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#6569 new defect

WME: Rhiannon - Animation freeze of the final outtro

Reported by: raziel- Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Wintermute
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Wintermute


ScummVM 1.7.0git (Apr 7 2014 08:12:08) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 Theora AAC FreeType2 JPEG PNG

After the final element has been put to complete the pentagram the final cutscene rolls. Unfortunately it freezes right at the start. The sunlight is coming from the chapel and the wand sends out it's first beam to the coffin. After that the beam should vanish and a firework effect should take place at the point where the coffin has been hit by the beam...that never happens, instead the whole animation stops.

Sound, speech and music run along and the game goes into the the credits after a while (no further animation is played upto this point)

Cross checking with youtube videos show that a lot is going on before the credits roll. See: starting at 5:10

Savegame right before the final element attached

Rhiannon: Curse of the four Branches (Windows/English)

AmigaOS4 - PPC - SDL - BE gcc (GCC) 4.2.4 (adtools build 20090118)

Ticket imported from: bugs/6569.

Attachments (1)

rhiannon-win.017 (391.8 KB ) - added by raziel- 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by raziel-, 10 years ago

Attachment: rhiannon-win.017 added

comment:1 by somaen, 10 years ago

Does theora-videos work otherwise for you (i.e. Dirty Split's intro, or JULIA's intro?) Is there anything in the console-log?

comment:2 by raziel-, 7 years ago


I've just seen your comment now, sorry.

Yes, other theora videos run fine.
The both games you mentioned in particular, albeit slow

comment:3 by raziel-, 7 years ago

I need to add one more thing.
Since there was a change in the save/load code somewhere along the line it is not possible to load the attached save state anymore.

On try it will load but you will end up in a short video sequence of a man entering a building and throwing a switch and then be thrown back to the main menu.

comment:4 by raziel-, 6 years ago

Summary: WME: Rhiannon: Animation freeze of the final outtroWME: Rhiannon - Animation freeze of the final outtro
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