Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5901 new defect

GOB: Woodruff - Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk

Reported by: SF/rasbug Owned by: DrMcCoy
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Gob
Version: Keywords: script
Cc: Game: Woodruff


* ScummVM 1.5.0git694-gc699847 (Nov 18 2011 07:28:36) (was also in ver 1.4.0 and, I believe, in older versions). * English

With good timing it is possible to get past the priest, while he is still awake, thus skipping part of the game. To reproduce bug you should load savegame from attachments, enter the sect, wait for a time about 0.5 seconds and then click on area in front of ceedeerom. Then priest won't prevent Woodruff from getting there. I guess the following may be the cause: priest usually prevents you crossing some spot on floor. But with good timing you cross it, when someone chanting "Scnibble" and script can't handle two events at the same time.

I never played the original game, but maybe this is also a relevant bug: after Woodruff levitate, sectants stop chanting and wait for him to enter the initiation chamber. But if you exit the sect and then return back, they start chanting again. And you can chant with them once again and levitate to make the priest press his button (this, by the way, repeats animation of mechanical dog sliding in the floor).

If they don't start chanting again, then it wouldn't be possible to get in front of ceedeerom before they asleep (if my guessing is right).

In this bug a similar issue is described .

Also attached a savegame, where you're standing in front of ceedeerom, and sectants are awake.

Ticket imported from: #3439757. Ticket imported from: bugs/5901.

Attachments (3)

woodruff-gb.s00 (17.8 KB ) - added by SF/rasbug 13 years ago.
In front of ceedeerom, priest is awake.
woodruff-gb.s01 (17.7 KB ) - added by SF/rasbug 13 years ago.
Outside the sect. Enter. Wait 0.5 sec. Go to ceedeerom. (148.3 KB ) - added by SF/rasbug 13 years ago.
Savegames from original interpreter

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

Attachment: woodruff-gb.s00 added

In front of ceedeerom, priest is awake.

by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

Attachment: woodruff-gb.s01 added

Outside the sect. Enter. Wait 0.5 sec. Go to ceedeerom.

comment:1 by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

Summary: Priest don't prevent you from taking the disk.Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk.

comment:2 by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

Oh, I've forgotten: Debian linux x32 .

comment:3 by wjp, 13 years ago

Summary: Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk.WOODRUFF: Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk.

comment:4 by digitall, 13 years ago

Owner: set to DrMcCoy

comment:5 by digitall, 13 years ago

rasbug: Thank you for this bug report. A Gob engine developer will look at this issue which is likely a script issue in the original game (though we may be able to add a workaround). Please be patient.

If you wish to help expedite this bug, it would help if you could run the game under Win32 and see if this occurs with the original interpreter? If you could then report the outcome here and attach savegames from the original interpreter to aid investigation. Thanks.

comment:6 by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

tdhs: Yes, the bug is also in original game. Savegames are attached in archive .

There are also some other bugs in original game as well as in ScummVM. Should I post them?

1) You know the weather channel code as soon as you take tobozone, But it looks like you are supposed to read the code in the bar of friendship.

2) When you talk to the owner of virtual travel for the first time he tells you: "You've got me with your rock. I've lost my chest because of you.", while his chest is still standing behind him, he is supposed to tell this after you give him a piece of meteorite and chest falls down. Funny, but it looks like that's the case only in English version (no such bug in German version, judging from youtube walkthrough).

by SF/rasbug, 13 years ago

Attachment: added

Savegames from original interpreter

comment:7 by raziel-, 4 years ago

Summary: WOODRUFF: Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk.GOB: Woodruff - Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk
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