Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#1711 closed defect

WINCE: Fullscreen Bug

Reported by: SF/jasonclark Owned by: SF/arisme
Priority: normal Component: Port: WinCE
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Hello all,

maybe someone could help me out with my WinCE device problem.

OS: Windows CE 4.2 Professional Processor: Intel StrongARM / XScale Graphics: 800x600x16bit Display: LG 12" TFT Colour Touch

I've installed the latest release for Handheld-PC (ARM binary) on my windows ce device. When i double tap the scummvm.exe then the application works really fine, the games (e.g. Sam&Max Hit The Road demo) also. Sound and colors works fine. But now the problem is that the application window is only in the left corner of the display, because i think it uses only the display size of pocket pc's? When i try to change the options then on the "Graphics" page then checkboxes "Fullscreen mode" and "Aspect ratio correction" are disabled and the Graphics mode is (default)

I've checked out the INI-parameters and the Fullscreen section is set to TRUE, but why is it not possible to use the full 800x600 screen size? :-(

Thanks in advance for your help and ideas! Jason

Ticket imported from: #1007180. Ticket imported from: bugs/1711.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

Owner: set to SF/arisme
Summary: Fullscreen Bug on WinCE 4.2 .net Handheld PCWINCE: Fullscreen Bug

comment:2 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

What is the status of this item?

comment:3 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

Status: newclosed

comment:4 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Port: WinCE
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