Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#13364 new defect

FluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup

Reported by: LukasThyWalls Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Port: Linux
Version: Keywords: music_driver, FluidSynth, Settings, GUI, Start Up
Cc: Game:



I have noticed in ScummVM 2.5.1 (Flatpak package) in KUbuntu 21.10 (Kernel 5.14.0), when i set the Preferred audio device to "Default" in global settings, when i restart ScummVM, it automatically changes it to "FluidSynth". I saw when i change it to "Default" in the GUI and i Apply, is changed in ScummVM.ini (music_driver = auto), but when ScummVM starts, it reverts the setting to FluidSynth (music_driver = fluidsynth). It doesn't seems to do this with other setting, for sure not if i pick other setting of the Preferred Audio Device (music_driver), as it keeps it.

The main issue with this is if you are using the MT-32 emulator, it overrides it if you left the FluidSynth audio device setting on. Sure, you can set the game itself to override the audio settings and use the default or MT-32 emulator as audio device, but, in this port if you change the setting or in other ports by default, if you have configured globally the MT-32 settings and put the globally audio as default, you don't need to override anything, it simply works.


Change History (3)

comment:1 by LukasThyWalls, 2 years ago

Component: GUIPort: Linux
Keywords: Start Up added; Linux StartUp removed

comment:2 by LukasThyWalls, 2 years ago

Summary: [Linux] If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startupIf audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup

comment:3 by aquadran, 2 years ago

Summary: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startupFluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup
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