Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#9832 closed defect (fixed)

SCI: GK2 FR: Error message at start about a wrong audio file

Reported by: legluondunet Owned by: csnover
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: sci32
Cc: Game: Gabriel Knight 2



when I launch GK2 fr, ScummVM dialog box alert me about wrong files...
This is my log terminal:

$ ./scummvm 
WARNING: SDL mixer output buffer size: 2048 differs from desired: 4096!
User picked target 'gk2-cd-fr' (gameid 'sci')...
  Looking for a plugin supporting this gameid... SCI [SCI0, SCI01, SCI10, SCI11, SCI32]
  Starting 'Sierra SCI Game'
WARNING: Resource audio.50360 from 50360.wav points beyond end of 50360.wav (7453641 + 257548 > 257548)!

I replaced the audio.50360 on my hard disc from my original cd, same error.
I use the last ScummVM git version.
Thank you for your help.


Change History (2)

comment:1 by csnover, 8 years ago

Component: --Unset--Engine: SCI
Keywords: sci32 added
Owner: set to csnover
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: GBK2 FR: error message at start about a wrong audio fileSCI: GK2 FR: Error message at start about a wrong audio file

Thanks for your report! A fix for this issue has been committed in 2482a78fa3809b5cb0ab6808253db286c0f8bcd6 and will be available in builds 1.10.0git-3398 and higher.

In the future, it would help if you could please write the exact version of ScummVM in bug reports instead of just “last git version”. The repository is updated constantly, and I have no way of knowing what “last” actually means. Thanks!

comment:2 by legluondunet, 8 years ago

Next time I'll give you the exact version.
Thank you!

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