Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#9751 closed defect (wontfix)

SCI: GK2: Gabriel Knight PPC Scanlines

Reported by: 2Mourty Owned by: csnover
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: sci32
Cc: Game: Gabriel Knight 2


Game: GK2
Scumm Version: 1.10git PPC
Language: English
GOG Version
PPC (Mac OS) Platform

I selected the scanline option for rendering the game videos (black line video) and it does not work. Videos display without scanlines.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by csnover, 8 years ago

Keywords: sci32 added
Summary: SCI GK2 Gabriel Knight PPC ScanlinesSCI: GK2: Gabriel Knight PPC Scanlines

Thanks for your report!

The GOG and Steam versions of GK2 include patches to the game scripts that disable black-lined video, so the ScummVM GUI toggle does not do anything (the game never requests black-lined video).

You may try moving/renaming 11.SCR, 11.HEP, 34.SCR, 34.HEP, 36.SCR and 36.HEP in the PATCHES directory to restore the original video playback code, which will make the toggle work, but this isn’t really supported and may cause other problems.

I am still evaluating whether this is something that we can/should deal with. Unconditionally forcing black-lined video when the option is enabled would incorrectly render if someone chooses to use “little movie” mode, and I don’t know if there are other places in the game (or in other SCI32 games) that intentionally did not use the black-lined video flag even in “big movie” mode. Also, games provide brightness boost information in conjunction with the black-lined video flag to try to partially mitigate the fact that the black lines make the video darker; if the calls don’t include brightness information, then the videos will render too darkly if we force it on.

comment:2 by csnover, 8 years ago

Owner: set to csnover
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Per the previous comment, I think this change would end up being more trouble than it is worth, so I am going to close this ticket. However, if someone wishes to open a pull request with a patch, this change can be reconsidered again at that point.

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