Opened 22 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#925 closed defect (fixed)

FOA: Music problems in endgame / credits

Reported by: eriktorbjorn Owned by: athrxx
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Indiana Jones 4


The latest CVS versions of ScummVM still have problems with the music towards the end of FOA (English CD version).

Firstly, the music stops prematurely during the end credits. It's (almost certainly) supposed to play a medley of themes, starting with the Indy theme, but it never even starts.

Oddly enough, if I use the debugger to skip straight to room 96 it works.

Secondly, when using AdLib there are some places where the instruments sound very distorted. Particularly during Dr. Ubermann's transformation. (In this case all of the bad noises are coming from channel 5 by the way.)

Maybe it has something to do with pitchbend? If I disable the pitchBend() function the bad noises go away. But why would it make some instruments sound horrible while most instruments sound just fine? Does our pitchbend start playing the note all over again at a different pitch, or does it bend the pitch of the note while it's playing?

I'm attaching a savegame right before starting the machine at the end. (The stones are set to their correct positions already.) I hope that's before any of the relevant music starts.

Ticket imported from: #761637. Ticket imported from: bugs/925.

Attachments (1)

atlantis.s55.gz (16.0 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 22 years ago.
Saved game right before endgame

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Attachment: atlantis.s55.gz added

Saved game right before endgame

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Owner: set to SF/jamieson630

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Some of the distortion goes away if I lower the volume. I had cranked up the master- and music volumes to their maximum settings.

But the worst of it still remains.

comment:3 by SF/jamieson630, 22 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newpending

comment:4 by SF/jamieson630, 22 years ago

The end credits medley should be fixed in CVS. eriktorbjorn, please verify. As for the pitch bend distortion, please submit as a separate bug report. It will take me longer to assess that issue.

comment:5 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

The credits sound fine to me now.

comment:6 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:7 by SF/jamieson630, 22 years ago

Status: newclosed

comment:8 by athrxx, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from SF/jamieson630 to athrxx
Status: closedpending

comment:9 by athrxx, 14 years ago

I have reverted that fix since it caused bug #1315950 ( by throwing important 'restart track' commands out of the queue.

Instead, I have added a missing clear_queue() call to stopAllSounds_internal(). This comes from INDY4/MONKEY2 disasm. Could someone with a SAMNMAX or DOTT disasm check whether this is correct for these targets, too?

As I stated in the commit message old INDY4 savegames saved after the Dr. Ubermann death scene (= saved during the ending the sequence) will not work correctly, since the messed up imuse trigger/command queue will be restored from the savegame.

Please test (works for me).

comment:10 by eriktorbjorn, 14 years ago

I dug out one of my old savegames (right before the nazis arrive near the end) and played through to the end. I didn't notice any problems with the end credits music.

comment:11 by eriktorbjorn, 14 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:12 by athrxx, 14 years ago

Status: newclosed

comment:13 by athrxx, 14 years ago

Thanks for responding so quickly ;-) The trigger/command queue gets cleared for the last time after Dr. Ubermann becomes a ghost and explodes. Any savegame before that point should be fine. I'll close this item again.

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