#7987 closed patch
new zaurus patch for cvs version.
Reported by: | SF/mncl | Owned by: | fingolfin |
Priority: | normal | Component: | Ports |
Version: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | Game: |
an update to my previous patch.
### a mostly copied desc from the other patch
Patch for sharp zaurus. a patch to allow scummvm to work on the sharp zaurus pda. This should also work on the ipaq running qtopia or opie, of course the ipaq doens't have a cool keyboard.
Thorsten Scheuermann did most of the initial work and released his modified source on his web page. I wrapped his changes around ifdef QTOPIA's so it wont affect other compile targets. I also made the input more zaurus friendly, I remapped the following buttons:
Menu key(f9) ---> f5 (scumm menu) button in the center of the arrow keys --> tab (default action) keyboard tab --> space (pause) Fn+backspace --> quit
summary per file:
main.cpp :
dont undef main for qtopia.
those xfree's cause bus errors.
input remapped for qtopia. someone check this out to see if it can be less ugly.
the changes shouldn't affect other compile targets.
if you're building this make sure the SDL you're compiling against was compiled with --enable-cdrom, also the current libSDL ipk available from zauruszone.com/feed has x and y mouse input crossed, please use another sdl ipk, or compile your own.
sound appears to work identically to sdl/x11 linux version except for some minor sound pops here and there.
libmad support works, as long as you get it compiled right, my first try made really scratchy music.
clicking on the extreme borders can cause input to lock up, my guess is it's and SDL problem.
clicking on the screen will jump the cursor but your character will sometimes perform an action where the mouse cursor was before you clicked: annoying, but not fatal.
i think this is due to it thinking you have the mouse button pressed down when you doubleclick on the screen -- maybe some of the wince ifdefs in scummvm.cpp are a solution to a similar input problem, who would i ask about that?
I was able to complete day of the tentacle, and am working my way through monkey island 2 right now.
Almost successes:
i mounted the dig cdrom over nfs and tried to run it but it kept saying it was out of ram before it would display anything =(
Ticket imported from: #585204. Ticket imported from: patches/92.
Attachments (1)
Change History (4)
by , 23 years ago
Attachment: | scumm-zaurus-cvs020723.patch added |
comment:1 by , 23 years ago
I accepted this partially into CVS. The config-file changes are still suspicious, I prefer to find the real problem rather than work around it. Also I fixed some other issues.
comment:2 by , 23 years ago
Owner: | set to |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:3 by , 6 years ago
Component: | → Ports |
patch for Qtopia/sharp zaurus