Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#7093 closed defect (fixed)

MYST: Masterpiece Edition - Minor bug: Reset sound in clock tower puzzle doesn't play

Reported by: SF/caligari87 Owned by: bgK
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Mohawk
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Myst


Per this page Myst and Myst ME have entered testing, so I feel confident submitting my first report here. Apologies if I mess something up.

This bug is easily reproducible in a starting play of the game (spoiler alert). Go from the Dock to the Clock Tower, change the clock to 2:40 by turning the small wheel two clicks, and the large wheel 8 clicks. Enter the clock tower and pull either of the two small center levers several times. Pull the reset lever in the upper-right.

In normal play, pulling the reset lever should generate a racheting "chunk-chunk-chunk-chunk" sound until the weight is raised fully, and then an echoing "ka-thunnnnk" sound. The correct sound behavior (although played in RealMyst, different version) can be seen at 8:15 in this video.

In SCUMMVM, only the final "ka-thunnnnk" sound plays, not the ratcheting sound. This behavior exists in both Myst and Myst: ME under SCUMMVM.

Ticket imported from: bugs/7093.

Attachments (1)

recording-3.ogv (370.1 KB ) - added by SF/caligari87 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by SF/ignalina, 8 years ago

The actual behavior of Myst ME can be seen (and heard) here

It is the sound of the numbered cogs resetting that is wrong.

by SF/caligari87, 8 years ago

Attachment: recording-3.ogv added

comment:2 by SF/caligari87, 8 years ago

Yes, that appears to be the correct behavior. To clarify, I'm not getting the cog reset sound at all. Attached is a small video file of what I'm getting.

comment:3 by bgK, 8 years ago

Owner: set to bgK
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by bgK, 8 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report. The missing sound will be played in the next daily build.

comment:5 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Engine: Mohawk
Game: Myst
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